


Lightweight tween library for Unity aimed at making tweening objects dead simple and completely flexible. The wiki contains some usage information and examples.

Meet the GoKit Players

What can I Tween?

Short answer: anything. You can tween any property on any object of type Vector2, Vector3 (including through a series of Vector3s), Vector4, int, float or Color. These make up what we call generic tweens. Generic tweens are slightly slower than specific tweens. We did some heavy-duty benchmarking and used some .NET trickery to make them pretty darn fast though. That being said, the library also offers what we call specific tweens. These are confined to a specific target object type and property and use direct access for the tween making them hyper fast. The available specific tweens are eulerAngles, localEulerAngles, material colors (_Color, _SpecColor, _Emission and _ReflectColor), position, localPosition (along with following a path) and scale. You can also always make your own specific Tweens using the fully extensible TweenProperty system.

Extension Methods For Ease of Use and Syntax Sugar (sorry UnityScript users)

GoKit adds extension methods to the Transform and Material classes for easy access to creating often-used single property animations. If there is a particular animation combo that you use often, use the GoKitTweenExtensions class as a template to make your own Extension methods on any class or object.


For any developers just wanting to use GoKit in their games go right ahead. You can use GoKit in any and all games either modified or unmodified. In order to keep the spirit of this open source project it is expressly forbid to sell or commercially distribute GoKit outside of your games. You can freely use it in as many games as you would like but you cannot commercially distribute the source code either directly or compiled into a library outside of your game.