

FNA VSCode Template

Start new FNA projects with Nez quickly and easily with handy setup scripts, a versatile boilerplate project, and convenient Visual Studio Code integration.



Setup Instructions

  1. Download and unzip the ZIP archive (don't clone the repo!)
  2. Run ./getFNA.sh (macOS) or ./getFNA.ps1 (windows) to download the latest Nez, FNA and fnalibs to the directory. You can run this script again if you want to update either FNA or the fnalibs at a later point.
  3. Open the root folder that contains the .sln file in Visual Studio Code or the .sln file directly in Visual Studio. Note that only Visual Studio Code has an effect builder command.

That's it! Now you're ready to build and run the base project. If you get missing DLL errors (pointing at SDL) when running in Visual Studio copy the FNA libs into your /usr/local/lib folder. With Visual Studio Code, DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH is set automatically so it won't run into the DLL not found error. Nez is setup as a submodule so you can update it in the normal fashion.

When developing, raw content (files not processed by the Pipeline tool) should be placed in the Content folders subfolders and anything that needs processing should go in the CompiledContent folder and added to the Pipeline tool.

The setup process will also init a git repo for you with Nez added as a submodule.

If you want to see the output of Debug.* calls in the VS Code Debug Console, you have to install a listener by adding this somewhere in your code (Game1 by default has one for you): System.Diagnostics.Debug.Listeners.Add(new System.Diagnostics.TextWriterTraceListener(System.Console.Out)); Pixel art games should also uncomment a line in the Game1.cs file setting the FNA_OPENGL_BACKBUFFER_SCALE_NEAREST environment variable when using FNA.

Build Tasks

License and Credits

FNA VSCode Template is released under the Microsoft Public License. Many thanks to Andrew Russell for his FNA Template, from which I learned a lot (and borrowed a little).