


Build Status

This is a C99 library with some basic stuff for bootstrapping a graphics engine. Currently it is tested against OpenGL 2.1 on OS X, and WebGL 1.0 via Emscripten.

The par library is a required submodule, so be sure to do this after cloning the repo:

$ git submodule update --init

The API is divided into modules, each of which has a single C file:

How to Build for macOS

brew update
brew install cmake uncrustify glfw clang-format pkg-config
mkdir build ; cd build ; cmake .. ; make -j

You can then run a demo like this:


How to Build for WebGL on macOS

brew update
brew install cmake uncrustify glfw clang-format pkg-config emscripten
python emsetup.py
source aliases.sh
initjs && build

You can then run a demo like this:

[Push Esc to quit]
cd web
python -m SimpleHTTPServer
[Open localhost:8000 in a web browser]

I'm currently using: