

NSW Design System Plone 6 starter kit

The NSW Design System Plone 6 starter kit is an all-in-one solution to quickly get you started with a fully NSW Gov Branding complaint site using the latest v3 version of the NSW Design System and the flexibility and security of Plone 6.

Plone 6 NSW Design System Demo.

Plone 6 is build for...

Design Systems

Content governance






Why upgrade from Plone 5

For the latest in Security Protection

Includes security patch support for 2 major versions and replacing unsupported Python 2.7 with Python 3.10 makes maintaining Plone 6 solutions easy. As a decoupled CMS, Plone 6 has best in class protection against DDOS attacks and continues to beat other CMS such as Drupal in terms of security.

Modern docker based deployment makes security and maintenance simpler.

For the best in breed editing experience

The Volto Component based editor makes for a snappy intuitive content creation process.

Why use the NSW Design System v3

A NSW government agency can comply to the NSW Government Branding with using the Design system but doing so provides many benefits

Quicker Branding Compliance

Using a tool-kit like the NSW Design System Plone 6 starter kit is one of the fastest ways to comply to the NSW Gov Branding guidelines

Accessibility at WCAG 2.1 AA

Good implementations of the NSW Design System will inherit WCAG 2.1 AA Compliance.

Components at your finger tips, Masterbrand to Independent

The NSW Design System has been battle tested and refined to only give ways to express many different kinds of information but to express it well.

From Masterbrand to full Independent NSW Gov entity, using the NSW Gov Design System your users benefit from consistent and well designed forms and visual components. NSW Design System Plone 6 starter kit has full support for Independent, co-brand and Endorsed in addition to Masterbrand sites.

Support & Contributing

For more information on Plone, visit plone.org or reach out to the Plone community.

Feel free to open a GitHub issue for any bug reports, feature requests or question about hosting. We welcome any and all community contributions and feedback! A contributing guide is in-progress, but highly encourage you to open an issue or get in touch. Support for hosting can be found by our contributors.

Supported features


In progress

Getting started

The starter kit is formed of two parts a REST API backend and a React frontend. See the corresponding sections below for more details.

To get started with the starter kit, view the demo or download the starter kit and run make start to try it locally.

To get started, ensure that the following dependencies are installed:

Create a site

  1. Run make start to bootstrap and start both the backend and frontend.
  2. Visit localhost:8080 and create a site with an id of Plone (default). The default username and password are admin.
  3. Visit localhost:3000 to view your new site!


The starter kit frontend is made of two parts: volto and the NSW Design System addon.


The frontend was created using the latest volto version at the time of writing, 16.0.0-alpha.22. The frontend was bootstrapped with the Plone6 yeoman generator. See https://6.dev-docs.plone.org/volto/getting-started/install.html#install-volto for more info on created your own frontend.




PretaGov provide powerful content management systems, intranets, file sharing and collaboration solutions. Having worked with hundreds of public and private sector companies across Australia, PretaGov takes pride in offering strong security, privacy and accessibility compliance in all it's hosting and customisation services. PretaGov can be found on the buy.nsw service panel and more information about their products can be found on the PretaGov website.