


Dark Knowledge

😈📚 A curated library of research papers and presentations for counter-detection and web privacy enthusiasts.


2023A Two-Step TLS-Based Browser fingerprinting approach using combinatorial sequencesFingerprint, TLS, CombinatoricsBernhard Garn, Stefan Zauner, Dimitris E. Simos, Manuel Leithner, Richard Kuhn, Raghu Kacker
2022AudioContext Browser FingerprintingAudioContext, ML, Device Verification, Device IdentificationJosef Frola
2022Browser-based CPU FingerprintingCPU Fingerprinting, Timing AttacksLeon Trampert, Christian Rossow, Michael Schwarz
2022DRAWNAPART - A Device Identification Technique based on Remote GPU Fingerprinting
2022Phish in Sheeps Clothing Exploring Pitfalls of Browser Fingerprinting
2022SMS PVA - An Underground Service Enabling Threat Actors to Register Bulk Fake Accounts
2021Device Fingerprinting with Peripheral Timestamps
2021Fingerprinting in Style - Detecting Browser Extensions via Injected Style Sheets
2021JA3cury - A New Approach to TLS Fingerprinting by Merging Fingerprinting Methods
2021JARM Randomizer - Evading JARM Fingerprinting
2021ML-CB - Machine Learning Canvas Block
2021On Reliability of JA3 Hashes for Fingerprinting Mobile Applications
2021OS Fingerprinting and Tethering Detection in Mobile Networks
2021Tales of FAVICONS and Caches - Persistent Tracking in Modern Browsers
2021The CNAME of the Game - Large-scale Analysis of DNS-based Tracking EvasionDNSYana Dimova
2021TypeNet - Deep Learning Keystrong Biometrics
2021Your Phone is My Proxy - Detecting and Understanding Mobile Proxy Networks
20203d Red Pill - A Guest-to-Host Escape on QEMUKVM Virtio Devices
2020Accurate TLS Fingerprinting using Destination Context and Knowledge Bases
2020Awakening the Web’s Sleeper Agents - Misusing Service Workers for Privacy Leakage
2020BeCAPTCHA-Mouse - Synthetic Mouse Trajectories and Improved Bot Detection
2020Browser Fingerprint Standardization Using Rule Based Algorithm and Multi-Class Entropy
2020Carnus - Exploring the Privacy Threats of Browser Extension Fingerprinting
2020Characterizing Anomalies in Malware-Generated HTTP Traffic
2020Clash of the Trackers - Measuring the Evolution of the Online Tracking Ecosystem
2020Combining Behavioural Biometrics and Session Context Analytics to Enhance Risk Based Static Authentication in Web Applications
2020Deobfuscation, Unpacking, And Decoding of Obfuscated Malicious JavaScript For Machine Learning Models Detection Performance Improvement
2020Don’t count me out - On the relevance of IP addresses in the tracking ecosystem
2020EssentialFP - Exposing the Essence of Browser Fingerprinting
2020Fingerprinting the Fingerprinters - Learning to Detect Browser Fingerprinting Behaviors
2020Fingerprinting With Atomic Counters in Upcoming Web Graphics Compute APIs
2020FP-Crawlers - Studying the Resilience of Browser Fingerprinting to Block Crawlers
2020FPSelect - Low-Cost Browser Fingerprints for Mitigating Dictionary Attacks against Web Authentication Mechanisms
2020Guess Who - Large-Scale Data-Centric Study of the Adequacy of Browser Fingerprints for Web Authentication
2020Inside The Black Box - A Glimpse Of Google’s Internal Data Free-For-All
2020Leveraging Frequency Analysis for Deep Fake Image Recognition
2020Neither Denied nor Exposed Fixing WebRTC
2020Poking a Hole in the Wall - Censorship-Resistant Internet Communications by Parasitizing on WebRTC
2020Remote physical device fingerprinting
2020SenCAPTCHA - A Mobile-First CAPTCHA Using Orientation Sensors
2020Taming the Shape Shifter - Detecting Anti-Fingerprinting Browsers
2020Timeless Timing Attacks - Exploiting Concurrency to Leak Secrets over Remote Connections
2020TLS Fingerprinting Techniques
2020Using Generative Adversarial Networks to Break and Protect Text CAPTCHAs
2020Using TLS Fingerprints for OS Identification in Encrypted Traffic
2020Web Applications Security and Privacy
2020Web Browser Privacy - What Do Browsers Say When They Phone Home
2020Web Runner 2049 - Evaluating Third-Party Anti-Bot Services
2019After You, Please - Browser Extensions Order Attacks and Countermeasures
2019An Investigation on Information Leakage of DNS over TLS
2019Analyzing and Improving the Image Quality of StyleGAN
2019Browser Fingerprinting - A Survey
2019Browser Fingerprinting - Exploring Device Diversity to Augment Authentication and Build Client-Side Countermeasures
2019Even Turing Should Sometimes Not Be Able To Tell - Mimicking Humanoid Usage Behavior for Exploratory Studies of Online Services
2019Fourier Spectrum Discrepancies in Deep Network Generated Images
2019From IP ID To Device ID and KASLR Bypass
2019Hacking Google reCAPTCHA v3 using Reinforcement Learning
2019Improving the Testing Efficiency of Selenium-based Load Tests
2019JavaScript Template Attacks - Automatically Inferring Host Information for Targeted Exploits
2019Leveraging WebAssembly for Numerical JavaScript Code Virtualization
2019Monsters in the Middleboxes - Building Tools for Detecting HTTPS Interception
2019Morelian Analysis for Browsers - Making Web Authentication Stronger with Canvas Fingerprinting
2019Passive OS Fingerprinting by DNS Traffic Analysis
2019Preventing Browser Fingerprinting by Randomizing Canvas
2019Rendered Private - Making GLSL Execution Uniform to Prevent WebGL-based Browser Fingerprinting
2019Resident Evil - Understanding Residential IP Proxy as a Dark Service
2019SoK - In Search of Lost Time - A Review of JavaScript Timers in Browsers
2019Talon - An Automated Framework for Cross-Device Tracking Detection
2019The Generation and Use of TLS Fingerprints
2019Tracking Versus Security - Investigating the Two Facets of Browser Fingerprinting
2019VisibleV8 - In-browser Monitoring of JavaScript in the Wild
2018Browser Fingerprinting - Exploring Device Diversity to Augment Authentification and Build Client-Side Countermeasures
2018Clock Around the Clock - Time-Based Device Fingerprinting
2018Detecting Social Spamming on Facebook Platform
2018Evaluating Server-Side Internet Proxy Detection Methods
2018Fingerprinting Mobile Browsers
2018FP-STALKER - Tracking Browser Fingerprint Evolutions
2018Hiding in The Crowd - An Analysis of the Effectiveness of Browser Fingerprinting At Large Scale
2018JavaScript Zero - Real JavaScript and Zero Side-Channel Attacks
2018Pride and Prejudice in Progressive Web Apps - Abusing Native App-like Features in Web Applications
2018Rendered Insecure - GPU Side Channel Attacks are Practical
2018Who Changed my Browser Settings
2018Who Left Open the Cookie Jar - A Comprehensive Evaluation of Third-Party Cookie Policies
2017(Cross-)Browser Fingerprinting via OS and Hardware Level Features
2017DECANTeR - DEteCtion of Anomalous outbouNd HTTP TRaffic by Passive Application Fingerprinting
2017Deterministic Browser
2017Fantastic Timers and Where to Find Them - High-Resolution Microarchitectural Attacks in JavaScript
2017FpRandom - Randomizing Core Browser Objects to Break Advanced Device Fingerprinting Techniques
2017Most Websites Don’t Need to Vibrate - A Cost–Benefit Approach to Improving Browser Security
2017The All Seeing Eye - Web to App Intercommunication for Session Fingerprinting in Android
2017The Security Impact of HTTPS Interception
2017Tracking You through DNS Traffic - Linking User Sessions by Clustering with Dirichlet Mixture Model
2016A 1-million-site Measurement and Analysis
2016Beauty and the Beast - Diverting Modern Web Browsers To Build Unique Browser Fingerprints
2016Browser Fingerprinting - Hraska
2016Cloud Fingerprinting - Using Clock Skews To Determine Co-Location of Virtual Machines
2016I Am Robot - (Deep) Learning to Break Semantic Image CAPTCHAs
2016I’m not a human - Breaking the Google reCAPTCHA
2016Picasso - Lightweight Device Class Fingerprinting For Web Clients
2016The Security of WebRTC
2016Trusted Browsers For Uncertain Times
2016Tunneling for Transparency A Large-Scale Analysis of End-to-End Violations in the Internet
2016Web browser fingerprinting a framework for measuring the web browser
2015Deterministically Deterring Timing Attacks in Deterland
2015FpGuard - Detection and Prevention of Browser Fingerprinting
2015Mitigating browser fingerprint tracking
2015Network-based HTTPS Client Identification Using SSL TLS Fingerprinting
2015The Clock is Still Ticking - Timing Attacks in the Modern Web
2015Tick Tock - Building Browser Red Pills from Timing Side Channels
2015You Are How You Query - Deriving Behavioral Fingerprints From DNS Traffic
2014Markov Chain Fingerprinting to Classify Encrypted Traffic
2014Mobile Device Identification Via Sensor Fingerprinting
2014The Web Never Forgets - Persistent Tracking Mechanisms in The Wild
2013Cookieless Monster - Exploring the Ecosystem of Web-based Device Fingerprinting
2013Mitigating Access-Driven Timing Channels in Clouds using StopWatch
2013WebGL Programming Guide
2012Combining Mouse and Keystroke Dynamics Biometrics for Risk Based Authentication in Web Environments
2012Pixel Perfect - Fingerprinting Canvas in HTML5
2010On the Reliability of Wireless Fingerprinting using Clock Skews
2009Cache Missing For Fun and Profit
2008An Improved Clock-skew Measurement Technique for Revealing Hidden Services