

Go Report Card codecov Go Test GoDoc License: MIT


OllamaFarm is a Go package that manages multiple Ollama instances, providing a convenient way to interact with a farm of Ollama servers. It offers features like automatic offline detection and failover, model availability tracking, and server selection based on criteria such as model.


To install OllamaFarm, use the following command:

go get github.com/presbrey/ollamafarm


Here's an example of how to use OllamaFarm with multiple Ollamas in the same group and different priorities:

package main

import (


func main() {
    farm := ollamafarm.New()

    // Register Ollama servers in the same group with different priorities
    farm.RegisterURL("http://ollama1:11434", &ollamafarm.Properties{Group: "4090", Priority: 1})
    farm.RegisterURL("http://ollama2:11434", &ollamafarm.Properties{Group: "4090", Priority: 2})
    farm.RegisterURL("http://ollama3:11434", &ollamafarm.Properties{Group: "3090", Priority: 1})

    // Select an Ollama instance
    ollama := farm.First(&ollamafarm.Where{Model: "llama3.1:8b-instruct-fp16"})
    if ollama != nil {
        // Perform a Chat call
        req := &api.ChatRequest{
            Model: "llama3.1:8b-instruct-fp16",
            Messages: []api.Message{
                {Role: "user", Content: "How many letter R are in the word Strawberry?"},

        err := ollama.Client().Chat(context.Background(), req, func(resp api.ChatResponse) error {
            return nil

        if err != nil {
            log.Fatalf("Chat error: %v", err)

    // Get model counts
    modelCounts := farm.ModelCounts(nil)
    fmt.Printf("Available models: %v\n", modelCounts)

Note: When an Ollama instance goes offline, OllamaFarm automatically selects the next online Ollama with the highest priority (lowest priority number) within the same group. This ensures continuous operation and optimal resource utilization without manual intervention.

API Reference



Farm Methods

Ollama Methods


Contributions to OllamaFarm are welcome! Please note the following guidelines:

  1. All pull requests must maintain or improve the existing test coverage.
  2. New features or changes must not break any existing APIs.
  3. Write clear, concise commit messages.
  4. Follow Go best practices and style guidelines.


This project is licensed under the MIT LICENSE file in the root directory of this repository.