

Parser combinator library in Golang

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A library to construct top-down recursive backtracking parsers using parser-combinators. Before proceeding you might want to take at peep at theory of parser combinators. As for this package, it provides:

To construct syntax-trees based on detailed grammar try with AST struct

NOTE that AST object is a recent development and expect user to adapt to newer versions

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Every combinator should confirm to the following signature,

    // ParsecNode type defines a node in the AST
    type ParsecNode interface{}

    // Parser function parses input text, higher order parsers are
    // constructed using combinators.
    type Parser func(Scanner) (ParsecNode, Scanner)

    // Nodify callback function to construct custom ParsecNode.
    type Nodify func([]ParsecNode) ParsecNode

Combinators take a variable number of parser functions and return a new parser function.

Using the builtin scanner

Builtin scanner library manages the input buffer and implements a cursor into the buffer. Create a new scanner instance,

    s := parsec.NewScanner(text)

The scanner library supplies method like Match(pattern), SkipAny(pattern) and Endof(), refer to for more information on each of these methods.

Panics and Recovery

Panics are to be expected when APIs are misused. Programmers might choose to ignore errors, but not panics. For example:


Clone the repository run the benchmark suite

    $ cd expr/
    $ go test -test.bench=. -test.benchmem=true
    $ cd json/
    $ go test -test.bench=. -test.benchmem=true

To run the example program,

    # to parse expression
    $ go run tools/parsec/parsec.go -expr "10 + 29"

    # to parse JSON string
    $ go run tools/parsec/parsec.go -json '{ "key1" : [10, "hello", true, null, false] }'

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