Tiny File Manager
TinyFileManager is a versatile web-based PHP file manager designed for simplicity and efficiency. This lightweight single-file PHP application can be effortlessly integrated into any server directory, allowing users to store, upload, edit, and manage files and folders directly through their web browser. With multi-language support and compatibility with PHP 5.5+, TinyFileManager enables the creation of individual user accounts, each with its dedicated directory. The platform also includes built-in functionality for handling text files using the Cloud9 IDE. Featuring syntax highlighting for over 150 languages and more than 35 themes, TinyFileManager offers a comprehensive solution for file management in an online environment.
<sub>Caution! Avoid utilizing this script as a standard file manager in public spaces. It is imperative to remove this script from the server after completing any tasks.</sub>
Tinyfilemanager is highly documented on the wiki pages.
- PHP 5.5.0 or higher.
- Fileinfo, iconv, zip, tar and mbstring extensions are strongly recommended.
How to use
Download ZIP with latest version from master branch.
Just copy the tinyfilemanager.php to your webspace - thats all :) You can also change the file name from "tinyfilemanager.php" to something else, you know what i meant for.
Default username/password: admin/admin@123 and user/12345.
:warning: Warning: Please set your own username and password in $auth_users
before use. password is encrypted with <code>password_hash()</code>. to generate new password hash here
To enable/disable authentication set $use_auth
to true or false.
:information_source: Add your own configuration file config.php in the same folder to use as additional configuration file.
:information_source: To work offline without CDN resources, use offline branch
:loudspeaker: Features
- :cd: Open Source: Lightweight, minimalist, and extremely simple to set up.
- :iphone: Mobile Friendly: Optimized for touch devices and mobile viewing.
- :information_source: Core Features: Easily create, delete, modify, view, download, copy, and move files.
- :arrow_double_up: Advanced Upload Options: Ajax-powered uploads with drag-and-drop support, URL imports, and multi-file uploads with extension filtering.
- :file_folder: Folder & File Management: Create and organize folders and files effortlessly.
- :gift: Compression Tools: Compress and extract files in
formats. - :sunglasses: User Permissions: User-specific root folder mapping and session-based access control.
- :floppy_disk: Direct URLs: Easily copy direct URLs for files.
- :pencil2: Code Editor: Includes Cloud9 IDE with syntax highlighting for 150+ languages and 35+ themes.
- :page_facing_up: Document Preview: Google/Microsoft document viewer for PDF/DOC/XLS/PPT, supporting previews up to 25 MB.
- :zap: Security Features: Backup capabilities, IP blacklisting, and whitelisting.
- :mag_right: Search Functionality: Use
for fast file search and filtering. - :file_folder: Customizable Listings: Exclude specific folders and files from directory views.
- :globe_with_meridians: Multi-language Support: Translations available in 35+ languages with
. - :bangbang: And Much More!
Deploy by Docker
<a name=license></a>License, Credit
- Available under the GNU license
- Original concept and development by
- CDN Used - jQuery, Bootstrap, Font Awesome, Highlight js, ace js, DropZone js, and DataTable js
- To report a bug or request a feature, please file an issue
- Contributors