


Real-Time Gateway to Stacks DeFi.

This project aims to provide a real-time view of Stacks DeFi ecosystem by aggregating public blockchain data and making it accessible through a easy to use interface.


First, install the dependencies:

pnpm install

Create and migrate the database:

pnpm db:generate
pnpm db:migrate

Then, run the development server:

pnpm dev

Once the server is running you can run the predicates of your choice using chainhooks:

chainhook predicates scan /<path-to-stackspulse>/chainhooks/arkadiko/arkadiko-swap-v2-1.swap-x-for-y.json --mainnet

Deploy to production

Create a .env.production.local file with the following content:


Generate the chainhoooks predicates with the correct settings for the production environment.

pnpm chainhooks:generate

Then, deploy the production server to fly (or any other provider of your choice):

fly deploy --remote-only

Finally upload the chainhooks predicates file chainhooks.production.json to the Hiro platform for your project.

Add new production environment variables

To add a new encrypted production environment variable (replace MY_NAME and my-value with your values) run the following command:

pnpm dotenvx set MY_NAME "my-value" -f .env.production.local

If you need to read the value of an encrypted environment variable run the following command:

pnpm dotenvx get MY_NAME -f .env.production.local

Download the production database locally

flyctl ssh issue --agent
flyctl proxy 10022:22
scp -r -P 10022 root@localhost:/data  /your/local/path/where/to/copy/data