

SAFIREFUZZ Experiments


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This repository contains documentation, scripts and raw data for the artifact evaluation of the USENIX `23 paper "Forming Faster Firmware Fuzzers".

For more details regarding our work, have a look at the main repository:

This repository is structured as follows:

<br /> A note on the sequence of experiments:

Overall, it is possible to either first run fuzzing for all targets and collect coverage by replaying the queues afterwards, or fuzz, collect, fuzz, collect...
But there are a couple of things to pay attention to:

  1. Always make sure to make backups of your fuzzing queues. Especially for safirefuzz_target.py, output directories might get re-used.
  2. The cov collection script for SAFIREFUZZ and hal-fuzz (eval_bbs_halucinator.py) replays one target at a time and takes input and output paths as arguments, so it should be straight-forward to parallelize things.
    If you wish, you can also adapt our scripts to this end.
  3. If you switch between fuzzing and coverage collection, remember to apply and revert the different sets of HALucinator patches for fuzzing and replaying or make a local copy of the hal-fuzz directory for both use cases.

Using coverage collected on your own or our original data, you can then proceed to replicate our results with our statistics and plotting scripts.


  title={Forming Faster Firmware Fuzzers},
  author={Seidel, Lukas and Maier, Dominik and Muench, Marius},
  booktitle={USENIX 2023},

This artifact passed USENIX '23 Artifact Evaluation. You can find the artifact appendix here.