

AutoGPTDolly (Beta) - a cloner plugin for Auto-GTP


This plugin adds a "clone_autogpt" command that lets Auto-GPT build an army of powerful minions. AutoGPT can already create AI agents, but sometimes it helps to be able to create additional AutoGTP processes, which can access the tools, plugins and full functionality of AutoGTP.

Status: Deprecated

I've had a ton of fun working on Dolly, but the landscape's changed since this plugin was created, and there are now many more ways to create multi agents, within Auto-GPT and elsewhere: Autogen,Semantic Kernel, etc.

This repository will be archived soon.

The 'clone_autogpt' command

The "clone_autogpt" command starts a new AutoGPT process, optionally with its own memory, instructions and output files. The processes run in continuous mode for 5 cycles by default. See the Configuration section for how to increase or decrease the number of cycles.

Concurrency: As a bonus, the separate processes run concurrently, which can reduce up total execution time for your task.


0.2.0 - May 1 2023

  1. Personality Prompting <br/>Dolly now lets you alter the clone personalities using the wellknown BIG 5 personality traits: AKA OCEAN: Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, Neuroticism. See: Personality Prompting below.

  2. 'Act As' Attributes <br/>Related, you can define a set of attributes for each clone - lazy, witty, talkative, anything goes.

  3. Better Monitoring <br/>One key piece of feedback was that it was hard to see what each clone was doing. Now each clone gets their own output and erorr log files.

<u>Coming Soon</u>

What am I working on right now?

<u>Usage Details</u>

This plugin adds a "clone_autogpt" command that starts a new AutoGPT process, optionally with its own memory, instructions and output files. The processes run in continuous mode for 5 cycles by default. See the Configuration section for how to increase or decrease the number of cycles.

GPT 3.5 ~~GPT 3.5 may get confused by the "clone_autogpt" command, and instead try to clone a repository. We provide an alias: "replicate" that seems to work better for GPT 3.5~~~


You can tell AutoGPT to clone itself, as part of its tasks:

Example Goals:

GPT 3.5 For GPT 3.5, you may have better luck with <NAME> and <GOALS>



Download this repository as a .zip file, copy it to ./plugins/, and rename it to Auto-GPT-Dolly-Plugin.zip.

To download it directly from your Auto-GPT directory, you can run this command on Linux or MacOS:

curl -o ./plugins/Auto-GPT-Dolly-Plugin.zip https://github.com/KayLuke/Auto-GPT-Dolly-Plugin/archive/refs/heads/master.zip

In PowerShell:

Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "https://github.com/KayLuke/Auto-GPT-Dolly-Plugin/archive/refs/heads/master.zip" -OutFile "./plugins/Auto-GPT-Dolly-Plugin.zip"


This plugin can be configured via the following .env variables:

Help and discussion:

Discord: https://discord.com/channels/1092243196446249134/1099609931562369024