

Notty — Declaring terminals

<a href="https://asciinema.org/a/ZIXzn2ZmIxK39qoT3eJla5OyO" alt="dumper"><img src="https://asciinema.org/a/ZIXzn2ZmIxK39qoT3eJla5OyO.png" width="400"/></a> <a href="https://asciinema.org/a/TsIhDJv5S00AB2biVmhHRzZ8I" alt="input"><img src="https://asciinema.org/a/TsIhDJv5S00AB2biVmhHRzZ8I.png" width="400"/></a> <a href="https://asciinema.org/a/z1Pc0Mppg2JFzteZzdeigLwYc" alt="microdots"><img src="https://asciinema.org/a/z1Pc0Mppg2JFzteZzdeigLwYc.png" width="400"/></a> <a href="https://asciinema.org/a/NgpF9Im8qfUICC39GDDAe9Ede" alt="rain"><img src="https://asciinema.org/a/R94gnHTQhCFJAsWpRfVlZWcUB.png" width="400"/></a>

Notty is a declarative terminal library for OCaml structured around a notion of composable images. It tries to abstract away the basic terminal programming model, providing something simpler and more expressive.

The core layout engine and IO codecs are pure platform-independent OCaml. Distribution includes modules with input and output facilities for Unix, and Lwt on Unix.

As an attempt to redefine terminal programming, Notty has to be opinionated. It assumes Unicode throughout, does not have universal support for various terminals out there, and has a peculiar programming and rendering model.

Notty's core API was heavily influenced by Haskell's Vty.

Where to start

Check out the documentation, examples, or peek directly into the interface file.

Building with dune build @ex will produce several little example programs that also double as tests.

(* Game of Life with ZX Spectrum kitsch. *)

let dot : image = I.uchar A.(fg lightred) (Uchar.of_int 0x25cf) 1 1

let background step (n, m) =
  let k = 24. *. sin (float (step + m + n) /. 10.) |> truncate in
  if k > 0 then I.char A.(fg (gray k)) '.' 1 1 else I.void 1 1

let render (w, h) step life : image =
  I.tabulate w (h - 1) @@ fun x y ->
    let pt = (x, y) in
    if CSet.mem pt life then dot else background step pt
