


Build Status Coverage Status

This repository contains the official reference implementation of the Kyber key encapsulation mechanism, and an optimized implementation for x86 CPUs supporting the AVX2 instruction set. Kyber has been selected for standardization in round 3 of the NIST PQC standardization project.

Build instructions

The implementations contain several test and benchmarking programs and a Makefile to facilitate compilation.


Some of the test programs require OpenSSL. If the OpenSSL header files and/or shared libraries do not lie in one of the standard locations on your system, it is necessary to specify their location via compiler and linker flags in the environment variables CFLAGS, NISTFLAGS, and LDFLAGS.

For example, on macOS you can install OpenSSL via Homebrew by running

brew install openssl

Then, run

export CFLAGS="-I/usr/local/opt/openssl@1.1/include"
export NISTFLAGS="-I/usr/local/opt/openssl@1.1/include"
export LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/opt/openssl@1.1/lib"

before compilation to add the OpenSSL header and library locations to the respective search paths.

Building all binaries

To compile the test and benchmarking programs on Linux or macOS, go to the ref/ or avx2/ directory and run


This produces the executables


where $ALG ranges over the parameter sets 512, 768, 1024.

Please note that the reference implementation in ref/ is not optimized for any platform, and, since it prioritises clean code, is significantly slower than a trivially optimized but still platform-independent implementation. Hence benchmarking the reference code does not provide particularly meaningful results.

<!-- Our Kyber implementations are contained in the [SUPERCOP](https://bench.cr.yp.to) benchmarking framework. See [here](http://bench.cr.yp.to/results-kem.html#amd64-kizomba) for cycle counts on an Intel KabyLake CPU. -->

Shared libraries

All implementations can be compiled into shared libraries by running

make shared

For example in the directory ref/ of the reference implementation, this produces the libraries


for all parameter sets $ALG, and the required symmetric crypto libraries


All global symbols in the libraries lie in the namespaces pqcrystals_kyber$ALG_ref, libpqcrystals_aes256ctr_ref and libpqcrystals_fips202_ref. Hence it is possible to link a program against all libraries simultaneously and obtain access to all implementations for all parameter sets. The corresponding API header file is ref/api.h, which contains prototypes for all API functions and preprocessor defines for the key and signature lengths.