


Code for our paper Fine-Grained Re-Identification : https://arxiv.org/pdf/2011.13475.pdf

Table of Contents

<!-- * [CUHK01](#CUHK01-(p=100)-or-(p=485))<br> * [Market](#Market)<br> --> <!-- * [VeRi](#VeRi)<br> --> <!-- * [iLIDSVID & PRID](#iLIDSVID-&-PRID)<br> --> <!-- * [Mars](#Mars)<br> -->


If you like our work, please consider citing us:

  title={Fine-Grained Re-Identification},
  author={P. Pathak},

Required libraries

The code requires python3

pip install torch==1.7.0+cu110 torchvision==0.8.1+cu110 torchaudio===0.7.0 -f https://download.pytorch.org/whl/torch_stable.html
pip install jupyter jupyterhub pandas matplotlib scipy
pip install scikit-learn scikit-image Pillow
conda clean --all --yes

Model architecture

The figure is taken from our paper and re-labeled according to our model script for easier understanding

<img src="https://github.com/ppriyank/Fine-grained-Re-Identification/blob/main/model.jpg" width="1200">

Dataset Setup

Change the storage_dir in tools/data_manager.py to the root folder of storage of the dataset. self.dataset_dir in a dataset should reflect the dataset path. (We wont be releasing any datasets, contact the original authors for the datasets).

Check the dataset is properly loaded (update the __factory, if your dataset is not present, else use the name highlighted in __factory as the way of calling the dataset ):

python -c "import tools.data_manager as data_manager; dataset = data_manager.init_dataset(name='cuhk01')"


Run the training scripts from current folder cd main_scripts/

Pre-trained ResNet models are assumed to be stored in storage_dir +"resnet/".
mode_name stores the name (with absolute path) of the model to be loaded, if pretraining the entire model. It doesnt load the classifier (for loading the classifier, uncomment the code in the section args.mode_name != '').
--evaluate evaluates the model after each factor(=10) epochs.
-opt : configuration setting, we have provided only one setting in tools/dataset_config.conf, add the configuration there after running hyperparameter optimization there.
--thresold : number of epochs after which evalaution starts.
--pretrain : Loading the pre-trained ResNets. We have decided to not provide the mars_sota.pth.tar or any other pretrained ResNet. --fin-dim : Dimension of the final features. '--rerank' : Do a re-rank evaluation


Creating st-ReID (ST) metrics for the dataset is a recommended step (except for CUHK01 and VehicleID). The logic being : Arranging images in a seqeunce with camera and frame numbers all arranged in sequential manner. We then create a histogram distribution on them and store the distribution. When a test image comes, we assign it a histogram given its camera number and frame number. (These histograms are matches as well during evaluation boosting the accuracy significantly.)

python Image.py has all the codes related to training. It evalautes after every every 10 epochs after the thresold.

--seq-len : Number of positive instances in a batch

normal is the method of evaluating normally, embedding comparison. if normal is false, we average embedding of image and its flipped mirror reflection

CUHK01 (p=100) or (p=485)

--split=100 and split=485 generates random splits. Run the experiments 10 times to get different splits

python Image.py -d=cuhk01 --split=100 --opt=dataset --thresold=20 --max-epoch=500 -a="ResNet50TA_BT_image" --pretrain  --evaluate --height=256 --width=150 --split=486 --mode-name="/scratch/pp1953/resnet/trained/ResNet50TA_BT_image_cuhk01_dataset_256_150_4_32_checkpoint_ep2.pth.tar"


We are using Market-1501-v15.09.15 dataset for experiments. Since Market is a huge dataset, we evalaute st-ReID and re-rank separately. Evalauting while training will take long, so you can just save model after every epoch.

generate_seq_market.py creates distribution/histogram for the dataset, saves in the distribution in the file: /scratch/pp1953/dataset/distribution_market2.mat (change the storage directory)

evaluate_image evalautes all saved model (very very slow) using all the techinques I could find out, which worked on other datasets.

python Image.py -d=market2 --opt=dataset --thresold=20 --max-epoch=500 -a="ResNet50TA_BT_image" --pretrain  --height=256 --width=150 --save-dir="/scratch/pp1953/resnet/trained/Market/"

cd ../
python tools/generate_seq_market.py

cd main_scripts/
python evaluate_image.py -d='market2' -a="ResNet50TA_BT_image" --height=256 --width=150 --save-dir="/scratch/pp1953/resnet/trained/Market/" --load-distribution


mode == 5, the pretrained ResNet is pretrained on VehicleID dataset. Similarly if you are training on VehicleID dataset, we suggest using VeRI pretrained ResNet.


For iLIDSVID and PRID use --split to do expierments on different splits and average the results of 10 splits. Mars dataset is huge for evalauting it, the max size of clips used is 32, while for other datasets is 40.

--seq-len : length of video clip
--num-instances : number of instances belonging to the same class (referred as --seq-len in images)


python Video.py -d=ilidsvid --split=1 --opt=dataset --thresold=20 --max-epoch=500 -a="ResNet50TA_BT_video" --pretrain  --evaluate --height=256 --width=150 --train-batch=28 --seq-len=5 --num-instances=4 --save-dir="/scratch/pp1953/resnet/trained/iLIDSVID/"


Do not evaluate model and just save all of them, to be evalauted later.

python Video.py -d=mars --opt=dataset --thresold=20 --max-epoch=500 -a="ResNet50TA_BT_video" --pretrain  --height=256 --width=150 --train-batch=28 --seq-len=5 --num-instances=4 --save-dir="/scratch/pp1953/resnet/trained/MARS/"

python evaluate_videos.py -d=mars -a="ResNet50TA_BT_video" --height=256 --width=150 --seq-len=5  --save-dir="/scratch/pp1953/resnet/trained/MARS/"

Other datasets like : (VehicleID , VRIC, CUHK03, GRID, MSMT17, DukeMTMC_VideoReID)

Should be easy to run if you understand the code. I discarded these datasets after the premilinary experiments werent promising.


If you have trained model (both images and videos) put it one a path:

Image Evalaution

python evaluate_image.py -d='market2' -a="ResNet50TA_BT_image" --height=256 --width=150 --save-dir="/scratch/pp1953/resnet/trained/Market/" --load-distribution 

Video Evalaution

python evaluate_videos.py -d=mars -a="ResNet50TA_BT_video" --height=256 --width=150 --seq-len=5  --save-dir="/scratch/pp1953/resnet/trained/MARS/"

Hyperparameter optimization

We did hyperparameter optimization only for MARS, iLIDSVID and PRID for all the datasets (even images). Run on MARS subset : mars_subset2, PRID subset : mars_subset2 and iLIDSVID ilidsvid_subset.


For concerns regarding privacy, we are not releasing the hyperparameters for our model. Consider running the hyper parameter optimization : https://github.com/facebook/Ax/blob/master/README.md

visualize_attention_heads.py and plot_tsne.py are slightly outdated code to visualize attention map and centers of center loss.