


for desktop(ie5.5+) and mobile

You can use it for creating your personal pages and webApp.

Without jQuery.Less than 9KB.

兼容桌面端(ie5.5+) 和 手机端


这是一个不使用jQuery小巧的框架 不到9KB

This is a Demo.

Here are some examples which use fullpage.

PC Mobile



Fullpage only needs to follow a simple pattern. Here is an example:

<div id="pageContain">	
	<div class="page page1 current">
		<div class="contain">
			<!-- your own code here-->
    <!-- ect.. -->

<ul id="navBar">
	<!-- ect.. -->


你可以在 page 的 div 上加上 data-step, 当含有这个属性时, 你可以创造出不切屏的逐桢动画, fullpage 会为你自动添上 step1,step2,step3 这些 class, 并且在step终止时切屏.(详见Demo)

Above is the initial required structure– a series of elements wrapped in two containers. Place any content you want within the items. The containing div will need to be passed to the Fullpage function like so:

var runPage = new FullPage({

  id : 'pageContain',                            // id of contain
  slideTime : 800,                               // time of slide
  continuous : false,                            // create an infinite feel with no endpoints
  effect : {                                     // slide effect
          transform : {
            translate : 'Y',                      // 'X'|'Y'|'XY'|'none'
            scale : [.1, 1],                      // [scalefrom, scaleto]
            rotate : [0, 0]                       // [rotatefrom, rotateto]
          opacity : [0, 1]                       // [opacityfrom, opacityto]
  mode : 'wheel,touch,nav:navBar',               // mode of fullpage
  easing : 'ease',                               // easing('ease','ease-in','ease-in-out' or use cubic-bezier like [.33, 1.81, 1, 1];
  start : 1					 // which page will display when install
    //  ,onSwipeStart : function(index, thisPage) {   // callback onTouchStart
    //    return 'stop';
    //  }
    //  ,beforeChange : function(index, thisPage) {   // callback before pageChange
    //    return 'stop';
    //  }
    //  ,callback : function(index, thisPage) {       // callback when pageChange
    //    alert(index);
    //  };

I always place this at the bottom of the page, externally, to verify the page is ready.


Fullpage API

Fullpage exposes a few functions that can be useful for script control of your pages.

prev() slide to prev

next() slide to next

thisPage() returns current page position

go(num) slide to set page position (num:the page you want to slide to)



prev() 直接滑向上一页

next() 直接滑入下一页

thisPage() 返回当前的页码

go(num) 直接滑到第num页