


PotreeConverter generates an octree LOD structure for streaming and real-time rendering of massive point clouds. The results can be viewed in web browsers with Potree or as a desktop application with PotreeDesktop.

Version 2.0 is a complete rewrite with following differences over the previous version 1.7:

Altough the converter made a major step to version 2.0, the format it produces is also supported by Potree 1.7. The Potree viewer is scheduled to make the major step to version 2.0 in 2021, with a rewrite in WebGPU.


Getting Started

  1. Download windows binaries or
    • Download source code
    • Install CMake 3.16 or later
    • Create and jump into folder "build"
      mkdir build
      cd build
    • run
      cmake ../
    • On linux, run: make
    • On windows, open Visual Studio 2019 Project ./Converter/Converter.sln and compile it in release mode
  2. run PotreeConverter.exe <input> -o <outputDir>
    • Optionally specify the sampling strategy:
    • Poisson-disk sampling (default): PotreeConverter.exe <input> -o <outputDir> -m poisson
    • Random sampling: PotreeConverter.exe <input> -o <outputDir> -m random

In Potree, modify one of the examples with following load command:

let url = "../pointclouds/D/temp/test/metadata.json";
Potree.loadPointCloud(url).then(e => {
	let pointcloud = e.pointcloud;
	let material = pointcloud.material;

	material.activeAttributeName = "rgba";
	material.minSize = 2;
	material.pointSizeType = Potree.PointSizeType.ADAPTIVE;



PotreeConverter 2.0 produces a very different format than previous iterations. If you find issues, you can still try previous converters or alternatives:

<table> <tr> <th></th> <th>PotreeConverter 2.0</th> <th><a href="https://github.com/potree/PotreeConverter/releases/tag/1.7">PotreeConverter 1.7</a></th> <th><a href="https://entwine.io/">Entwine</a></th> </tr> <tr> <th>license</th> <td> free, BSD 2-clause </td> <td> free, BSD 2-clause </td> <td> free, LGPL </td> </tr> <tr> <th>#generated files</th> <td> 3 files total </td> <td> 1 per node </td> <td> 1 per node </td> </tr> <tr> <th>compression</th> <td> none (TODO) </td> <td> LAZ (optional) </td> <td> LAZ </td> </tr> </table>

Performance comparison (Ryzen 2700, NVMe SSD):


PotreeConverter is available under the BSD 2-clause license.