


Scripts to backup WordPress via server cron (cPanel, Plesk, etc)

There are plenty of plugins available to take backups within WordPress. However, the scripts mentioned here work outside WordPress making them much more effective and efficient. If you take offline backups, I highly recommend to use encryption and limit your offline storage to only allow one-way backups.



Requirements in the server

What does each backup script do?

Where are the backups stored?


/path/to/db-backup.sh example1.com
/path/to/db-backup.sh example2.com
/path/to/db-backup.sh example3.com

For more usage options, please run /path/to/db-backup.sh -h.

The above is applicable to all the scripts!


Thanks to the following people who have contributed to this repo...

How to decrypt, if I used a passphrase

gpg --batch --passphrase your_passphrase encrypted_file.tar.gz.gpg

Can you implement it on my server?

Yes, of course. But, for a small fee of USD 5 per server per site. Reach out to me now!.

I have a unique situation. Can you customize it to suit my particular environment?

Possibly, yes. My hourly rate is USD 50 per hour, though.

Have questions or just wanted to say hi?

Please ping me on Twitter or send me a message.

Suggestions, bug reports, issues, forks are always welcome!