Python object to code framework, expression any python object to runnable python code.
Almost all the primitive types in python can be translated to source code format, and they will be runnable.
You can simply install it with pip
command line from the official PyPI site.
pip install potc
For more information about installation, you can refer to Installation.
The detailed documentation are hosted on
Only english version is provided now, the chinese documentation is still under development.
Quick Start
The native potc
can transform many types, such as
from potc import transobj
from easydict import EasyDict
import numpy as np
transobj(1) # "1", int format
transobj('233') # "'233'", str format
transobj(1.2) # "1.2", float format
transobj([1, '2']) # "[1, '2']", list format
transobj((1, '2')) # "(1, '2')", tuple format
transobj({1, '2'}) # "{1, '2'}", set format
transobj({1: '2'}) # "{1: '2'}", dict format
transobj(EasyDict(a=1, b=2)) # "EasyDict({'a': 1, 'b': 2})", external dict format
transobj(EasyDict) # "EasyDict", type format
transobj(np) # "numpy", module format
And so on, most of the native python types are covered.
In some cases, we need to translate the values into python script instead of simple expression, we can use transvars
import math
from potc import transvars
if __name__ == '__main__':
_code = transvars({
'arr': [
1, 1.5, math.e,
'vbytes_': b'klsdjflkds\\\x00',
'empty_str': '',
'ba': bytearray(b'a' * 20),
}, reformat='pep8') # auto reformat the code
The output should be
import math
__all__ = ['arr', 'ba', 'empty_str', 'vbytes_']
arr = [1, 1.5, math.e]
ba = bytearray(b'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa')
empty_str = ''
vbytes_ = b'klsdjflkds\\\x00'
This script are runnable, can be imported directly into your python code. The import packages will also be generated (like import math
In some complex cases, You can define you own rules to support more data types, such as
import math
from potc import transvars
from potc.fixture import rule, Addons
class MyPair:
def __init__(self, first, second):
self.first = first
self.second = second
def mypair_support(v: MyPair, addon: Addons):
return addon.obj(MyPair)(v.first, v.second)
if __name__ == '__main__':
_code = transvars({
'arr': [
1, 1.5, math.e,
'vbytes_': b'klsdjflkds\\\x00',
'empty_str': '',
'ba': bytearray(b'a' * 20),
'c': MyPair(1, 2),
}, trans=[mypair_support], reformat='pep8') # auto reformat the code
The output should be like below, the MyPair
class is supported by the new rule.
import math
from __main__ import MyPair
__all__ = ['arr', 'ba', 'c', 'empty_str', 'vbytes_']
arr = [1, 1.5, math.e]
ba = bytearray(b'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa')
c = MyPair(1, 2)
empty_str = ''
vbytes_ = b'klsdjflkds\\\x00'
For more quick start explanation and further usage, take a look at:
We appreciate all contributions to improve potc
, both logic and system designs. Please refer to for more guides.
released under the Apache 2.0 license.