


<img align="left" src=https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/8278033/42554599-39b769a6-8481-11e8-8b6a-379f4a3e54e6.png alt="SPReplicator logo">SPReplicator is a PowerShell module that helps replicate SharePoint list data.

This module uses the SharePoint Client Side Object Model (CSOM), the PnP.PowerShell module and all required libraries and dlls are included. Installing the SharePoint binaries is not required for the replication to work 👍 Thank you Microsoft for the redistributable nuget and PnP.PowerShell.

SPReplicator works with both on-prem and SharePoint Online and is currently in beta. It also works on .NET Core, so it's cross-platform, and supports Windows, macOS and Linux.

Please report any issues to clemaire@gmail.com.


SPReplicator is now in the PowerShell Gallery. Run the following from an administrative prompt to install SPReplicator for all users:

Install-Module SPReplicator

Or if you don't have administrative access or want to save it locally (just for yourself), run:

Install-Module SPReplicator -Scope CurrentUser

If you're scheduling tasks via Task Schedule or SQL Server agent, installing the module with administrative privileges is best because it will ensure all users have access via Program Files.

Command Reference

For more details about commands, visit the wiki or use Get-Help.

Usage scenarios

This module can be used for replicating data in a number of ways.

Usage examples

SPReplicator has a number of commands that help you manage SharePoint lists. You can view, delete, and add records easily and there's even a command that makes it easy to see internal column names and datatypes.

Export from SharePoint List

Export-SPRListItem -Site https://intranet -List Employees -Path \\nas\replicationdata\Employees.csv

Establish a session to the SharePoint site

You can specify -Site and -Credential with every command. Or you can establish a connection and not worry about specifying the Site or Credentials in subsequent command executions.

There is no need to assign the output to a variable, as it creates a reusable global variable $global:spsite.

# using your own account credentials
Connect-SPRSite -Site https://intranet

# specifying other credentials
Connect-SPRSite -Site https://intranet -Credential ad\otheruser

# using your own account credentials and SP Online
Connect-SPRSite -Site https://corp.sharepoint.com -Credential otheruser@corp.onmicrosoft.com

# using MFA
Connect-SPRSite -Site https://corp.sharepoint.com -AuthenticationMode WebLogin

# using app login
Connect-SPRSite -Site https://corp.sharepoint.com -AuthenticationMode AppOnly -Credential 1e36c5cc-5281-4235-a84f-c94dc2de8800

Import to SharePoint List

Now that we've established a connection via Connect-SPRSite, we no longer need to specify the Site.

We can import data two ways, using Import-SPRListItem or Add-SPRListItem

# Import from CSV
Import-SPRListItem -List Employees -Path \\nas\replicationdata\Employees.csv

# Import from SQL Server
Invoke-DbaQuery -SqlInstance sql2017 -Query "Select fname, lname where id > 100" | Add-SPRListItem -List emps

# Import any PowerShell object, really. So long as it has the properly named columns.
Get-ADUser -Filter * | Select SamAccountName, whateverelse | Add-SPRListItem -List ADList

# Didn't have time to create a good SharePoint list? Use -AutoCreateList
Get-ADUser -Filter * | Add-SPRListItem -List ADList -AutoCreateList

Find out more

This was just a subset of command examples. For more command examples, visit the wiki or use Get-Help.

Selected screenshots

Connect to a site


Add a generic object to a list


Add SQL data to a list and auto create the list if it doesn't exist


This is what it looks like!


Get details about columns to help you format your input/output


Results of built-in logger (New-SPRLogList and -LogToList)


Power BI

A Power BI Template can be downloaded from here.


Pester tested

This module comes with integration tests! If you'd like to see how I test the commands, check out Integration.Tests.ps1


Learn more

To find out more about any command, including additional examples, use Get-Help.

Get-Help Get-SPRColumnDetail -Detailed
<!-- $global:a = @() foreach ($prop in $props.Name) { try { $server.Load($server.Web.$prop) } catch { $global:a += $prop continue } } -->