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JavaScript Object Signing and Encryption Pentesting Helper

JOSEPH is a Burp Suite extension and has been developed as part of a master thesis by Dennis Detering at the Ruhr-University Bochum in cooperation with the Spike Reply GmbH (formerly CSPi GmbH).


Burp Suite BApp Store

This Burp Suite extension can be downloaded directly from the BApp Store JSON Web Token Attacker


To compile the JOSEPH extension from source, it is necessary to have Apache Maven installed and to run the following command:

$ mvn clean package

To skip the (unit) tests, use the following command:

$ mvn clean package -DskipTests


If the Oracle JDK is installed, the used Bouncy Castle JCE provider dependency is not allowed to be loaded from within a newly compiled fat-JAR, as it breaks the needed signature integrity check.

When performing the Bleichenbacher attack without Bouncy Castle being correctly loaded, the following error will occur:

[BleichenbacherPkcs1Info]: Error during key encryption: Cannot find any provider supporting RSA/NONE/NoPadding

If this issue arises, please perform the following step(s):

Alternatively, use target/JOSEPH-1.0.2.jar and load the target/lib folder to your Java Environment under Extender/Options.