


This repository contains all of the scripts and source code for "Where 2 Worlds Collide: Bringing Mimikatz et al to UNIX". In addition to the main linikatz.sh script, this also includes auditd policies, John the Ripper rules, Metasploit post-exploitation modules and fuzzers. The research behind this has now been incorporated into ATT&CK for Enterprise: T1558. More will follow in due course.

More details can be found at Portcullis Labs: https://labs.portcullis.co.uk/presentations/where-2-worlds-collide-bringing-mimikatz-et-al-to-unix/

For any queries about the contents of this repository please contact Security Advisory EMEAR.


To use the linikatz tool:

For other components, please read the manual.


For current detection coverage, please see: