

Gridfighter 3D

-- a virtual reality arcade experience --

(c) Jay Hammer (porta2note / Desire), 2017-present.

This is the official source code for Gridfighter 3D. This source should compile under Microsoft Quickbasic 4.5 for DOS, or any recent version of QB64 for Linux/OS/X/Windows (untested). No additional libraries are needed. Yes, this entire game is written in BASIC, and it's full of GOTOs. Deal with it. :P

NOTE: two versions of the source are provided, one for DOS using QB4.5 (GRID3Dxx.BAS) and the other for QB64 (named "GRID3Dxx_LINUX.BAS", however this version should be used for QB64 on any modern platform.) These differ only in a few functions (related to game timing, vsync, and file I/O) which need to be commented out or uncommented depending on which platform you're compiling for. Search the source for "UNCOMMENT" in order to find these.

This source code is licensed under the GNU Public License (GPL) v3. Looking up the text of this license is left as a homework exercise for the reader.

Contributions are welcome, if any of you want to waste your time improving this silly thing.


Compiled executables for all supported platforms can be downloaded free of charge from the official website at https://porta2note.itch.io/gridfighter-3d.


The current version of this source is 0x24, which corresponds to game version 1.3. Detailed revision history can be found at the top of the source file.