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Chart.js plugin to calculate and draw statistical linear, exponential, power, logarithmic, and polynomial regressions using chart datasets data.

The plugin, at the current version, uses the regression npm package as its calculation engine.



For a better understanding of the capabilities of this plugin, please see this Live Demo.


The compressed version includes the regression package.


npm install --save chartjs-plugin-regression


For a single chart, it needs to be listed in plugins section.


new Chart(ctx, {
  type: 'bar',
  plugins: [
    // This chart will use the plugin
  data: {
    datasets: [
        // Configuration of the plugin per dataset (only will be drawn the datasets with this property) 
        regressions: {
          type: 'linear',
          line: { color: 'red', width: 3},

Also, it's possible to register the plugin for all the charts:



The plugin has three levels of configuration:

There are common properties that the three levels share, and the priority of them are: section, dataset, and global.

Common properties

Common to the three levels of configuration.

typeType of regression to be calculated. It can be 'copy', 'linear', 'exponential', 'power', 'polynomial', 'polynomial3', 'polynomial4', or 'logarithmic'. It also can be an array with a combination of these types, in which case the regression type with the best will be drawn.
lineLine configuration for drawing the regression. It has the following properties: {width, color, dash}
calculationPrecision and polynomial order of the values returned by the regression calculations
extendPredictionsPrevious sections predictions for the current section will be drawed as dashed lines
copyOnly if type=='copy'. Behavior of sections that copy other section's calculation

Some considerations:

  type: ['polynomial', 'polynomial3', 'polynomial4'],
  calculation: {order 2}
precisionDetermines how many decimals will have the results (default: 2).
orderOnly for polynomial regression type, i.e. polynomial3 and polynomial4 are not affected by this property. Example: ax² + bx + c has order 2.
overwriteDataPossible values: 'none', 'all', 'empty', or 'last'. Default: 'none'. It determines how the dataset's data will be overwritten in this section (empty: Only zero, undefined, or null data will be overwriten). Obs. the plugin is only prepared to overwrite numerical data arrays, e.g. [1,2,3,...], scatter charts use xy data arrays, e.g. [{x:1,y:1}, {x:2,y:2},...], with them the behavior is undetermined. In these cases it's better use overwriteData: 'none'.
minValueMinimum value that the predicted value can be written into the data.
maxValueMaximum value that the predicted value can be written into the data.


The global configuration affects all the regressions calculated for all the datasets in the chart. It contains all the common properties and the following properties:

onCompleteCalculationCallback called when the regressions for all the datasets in a chart have been calculated


options: {
  plugins: {
    regressions: {
      type: ['linear', 'polynomial'],
      line: { color: 'blue', width: 3 },
      onCompleteCalculation: function callback(chart){ ... }

Per Dataset

It's possible to configure the regressions per dataset. The configuration will contain all the common properties and the following properties:

sectionsArray of sections of the data that shall be drawn. If not specified it's assumed [{start:0,end:data.length-1}]


datasets: [
    // Configuration of the plugin per dataset (only will be drawn the datasets with this property) 
    regressions: {
      type: ['linear','exponential'],
      line: { color: '#ff0', width: 3},
      calculation: { precision: 5 },
      sections: [{startIndex: 10, endIndex: 50}],

Per Section

Each section can be configured independently using all the common properties and the following properties:

startIndexStart index on dataset's data. Default: 0
endIndexEnd index on dataset's data. Default: data.length-1
labelLabel that will be drawn in the top of the right border line. Default: xaxis' label
copy.fromSectionIndexCopy the predictions calculated by other section (the one with index fromSectionIndex)


datasets: [
    // Configuration of the plugin per dataset (only will be drawn the datasets with this property) 
    regressions: {
      line: { width: 3 },
      calculation: { precision: 5 },
      sections: [
          type: ['linear','exponential'],
          line: { color: 'red' },
          startIndex: 10, 
          endIndex: 50
          type: 'polynomial',
          line: { color: 'green' },
          startIndex: 50, 
          endIndex: 80,
          calculation: { order: 4 }


.getDataset(chart, datasetIndex)

Returns the metadata associated to one dataset used internally by the plugin to work.

var meta = ChartRegressions.getDataset(chart, datasetIndex);

This object provides the following information:

sectionsarray of sections for each dataset (it will contain at least 1 section)
getXY(x, y)Returns the canvas coordinates {x,y} for the data point x, y.
topYMinimum y coordinate in the canvas.
bottomYMaximum y coordinate in the canvas.

.getSections(chart, datasetIndex)

Returns the sections with all the properties calculated (some with default values, or inherited from dataset's plugin configuration or the global configuration in options).

This object provides the following information:

typearray of regression types used to calculate and draw the section.
startIndexIndex of the dataset's data.
endIndexIndex of the dataset's data.
lineConfiguration used to draw the lines {color, width, dash}.
resultRegression calculation result (see demo) to see how to use this information.



The plugin provides one single event to inform when the calculation of all the regresions for a chart have been conmpleted.

This callback should be configured in the chart options.


options: {
  plugins: {
    regressions: {
      onCompleteCalculation: function callback(chart){ ... }


The project is released under the ISC license.