Reco: Ruby port of the Eco template compiler.
Eco is a wonderful javascript template system by Sam Stephenson. For more information about Eco visit its github page.
Reco let you compile Eco templates into Javascript through Ruby like this:
javascript = Reco.compile'some_template')
With Rails 3.1 you can serve Eco templates i.e. like this:
// app/assets/javascripts/templates.js.erb
window.templates = {};
<% for template_name in [:user, :post] do %>
<% template_path = File.join Rails.root, 'app', 'assets', 'templates', "#{template_name}.eco" %>
<%= Reco.compile, identifier: "window.templates.#{template_name}" %>
<% end %>
Javascript that are run after templates.js.erb will now be able to do this:
window.templates.user({ name: 'Rasmus' }); // returns the rendered HTML