

<div align="center">

Discord <img src="https://img.shields.io/static/v1?label=Status&message=Early%20Development&color=blue">

</div> <p align="center"> <img width="128" src="https://github.com/polyphony-chat/branding/blob/main/logos/polyphony-symfonia-transparent-8bit.png?raw=true" alt="The Symfonia logo. a dark, square background with rounded edges. on this background, there are four vertically stacked, purple lines. The lines are all vaguely u-shaped and resemble sound waves being emitted into one direction, with the lower lines being thicker and wider than the upper lines." /> <h1 align="center">Symfonia</h1> </p>


This is a WIP implementation of a Spacebar compatible Server in Rust!

This repository contains: A partial implementation of:

Local Development Environment

Whether you are using Docker or not, you will need to have the following installed:


  1. Install PostgreSQL
  2. Create a new database, and a user that has full access to that database
  3. Create a .env file in the root of the project with the following contents:
DATABASE_HOST=[ip/domain of your Postgres database]
DATABASE_PORT=[Postgres port, usually 5432]
DATABASE_USERNAME=[Your Postgres username]
DATABASE_PASSWORD=[Your Postgres password]
DATABASE_NAME=[Your Postgres database name]
  1. Run the project with cargo run.


  1. Copy the compose-example.env file to .env in the root of the project and fill in the values to your liking.
  2. Adjust ports in docker-compose.yml if needed.
  3. Run docker compose up --build.

Code changes will require you to restart the container with docker compose up --build. If you want to reset to a fully clean state, run docker compose down -v.