


Possibilities and limitations of a lexicon-based sentiment analysis of Hungarian political news

Draft version



Word Embedding

Run Word_embedding_w2v.py!

Sentiment dictionary

Requirements: magyarlanc

Run MAIN_sentiment_dictionary.py!

'Two': Simple with the addition of applying the "hungarian_2" stoplist

'Three: Sentiment-score' = Use sentiment scoring after search.

'Four': Sentiment-score with the addition of applying the "hungarian_2" stoplist

The output is an excel file named "sentiment.xlsx" in the output folder along with a brief overview of choice of sentiment for each row of the desired excel.

The packages used in both programs belong to their rightful owners!

Dependencies and credits:

Orsolya Ring, Martina Katalin Szabó, Csenge Guba, Bendegúz Váradi, István Üveges: Approaches to Sentiment Analysis of Hungarian Political News at Sentence Level with Dictionary-based Method and with Machine Learning (Under review)

The research was supported by the Ministry of Innovation and Technology NRDI Office within the framework of the Artificial Intelligence National Laboratory Program.