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nio is a multilayered Matrix client library. The underlying base layer doesn't do any network IO on its own, but on top of that is a full-fledged batteries-included asyncio layer using aiohttp. File IO is only done if you enable end-to-end encryption (E2EE).


The full API documentation for nio can be found at https://matrix-nio.readthedocs.io


nio has most of the features you'd expect in a Matrix library, but it's still a work in progress.


To install nio, simply use pip:

$ pip install matrix-nio

Note that this installs nio without end-to-end encryption support. For e2ee support, python-olm is needed which requires the libolm C library (version 3.x). On Debian and Ubuntu one can use apt-get to install package libolm-dev. On Fedora one can use dnf to install package libolm-devel. On MacOS one can use brew to install package libolm. Make sure version 3 is installed.

After libolm has been installed, the e2ee enabled version of nio can be installed using pip:

$ pip install matrix-nio[e2e]

Additionally, a docker image with the e2ee enabled version of nio is provided in the docker/ directory.


For examples of how to use nio, and how others are using it, read the docs