


A simpe decoder to decode requests/responses made by PokemonGo in burp

To Install:

git clone https://github.com/pokeolaf/PokemonGoDecoderForBurp.git

git submodule update --init --recursive

cd src/main/proto

python compile.py -l java

cd ../../..

mvn compile

mvn package

This will create a file "PokemonBurpExtension-jar-with-dependencies.jar" in the target folder.

In Burp: in the Extender tab: "add": choose "Java" as extension type and select the PokemonBurpExtension-jar-with-dependencies.jar Hit "Next", then "Close" (if any Output or Error message apear, something is broken. Please inform me about that)

Now you can decode most parts of the intercepted Pokemon Go traffic.