

<div align="center"> <p align="center"> <picture> <source srcset="https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/14d54372-01e6-4e16-aa20-91ec9fc5c257" media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)"> <source srcset="https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/a83ee3b1-5452-4614-84f0-662d8d0d9a7f" media="(prefers-color-scheme: light)"> <img alt="Pointrix" src="https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/a83ee3b1-5452-4614-84f0-662d8d0d9a7f" width="80%"> </picture> </p> <p align="center"> A differentiable point-based rendering framework <br /> <a href="https://pointrix-project.github.io/pointrix/"> <strong>Document🏠</strong></a> | <a href="https://pointrix-project.github.io/pointrix/index_cn.html"> <strong>中文文档🏠</strong></a> | <a href="https://pointrix-project.github.io/pointrix/"> <strong>Paper(Comming soon)📄</strong></a> | <a href="https://github.com/pointrix-project/msplat"> <strong>Msplat Backend🌐</strong></a> | <a href="https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1GaeJepEij/?vd_source=8cf77152a94231ac96b3a3732b42cf30#reply112960710116213"> <strong>教程视频🔗</strong></a> <br /> <br /> <!-- <a href="https://github.com/othneildrew/Best-README-Template">View Demo</a> · <a href="https://github.com/othneildrew/Best-README-Template/issues">Report Bug</a> · <a href="https://github.com/othneildrew/Best-README-Template/issues">Request Feature</a> --> </p> </div>



Pointrix is a differentiable point-based rendering framework which has following properties:

<!-- ## Comparation with original 3D gaussian code ### nerf_synthetic dataset (PSNR) | Method | lego | chair | ficus | drums | hotdog | ship | materials | mic | average | | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | | Pointrix | 35.84 | 36.12 | 35.02 | 26.18 | 37.81 | 30.98 | 29.95 | 35.34 | 33.40 | | [original](https://github.com/graphdeco-inria/gaussian-splatting) | 35.88 | 35.92 | 35.00 | 26.21 | 37.81 | 30.95 | 30.02 | 35.35 | 33.39 | we obtain the result of 3D gaussian code by running following command in their repository. ```bash python train.py -s nerf_synthetic_root --eval -w ``` -->



Clone pointrix:

git clone https://github.com/pointrix-project/pointrix.git  --recursive
cd pointrix

Create a new conda environment with pytorch:

conda create -n pointrix python=3.9
conda activate pointrix
conda install pytorch==2.1.1 torchvision==0.16.1 pytorch-cuda=12.1 -c pytorch -c nvidia

Install Pointrix and MSplat:

cd msplat
pip install .

cd ..
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -e .

(Optional) You can also install gsplat or diff-gaussian-rasterization:

pip install gsplat

git clone https://github.com/graphdeco-inria/diff-gaussian-rasterization.git
cd diff-gaussian-rasterization
python setup.py install
pip install .

Train Your First 3D Gaussian

Tanks and Temples Dataset Demo (Colmap format dataset)

Download the demo truck scene data and run:

cd examples/gaussian_splatting
# For Tanks and Temples data which have high-res images and need to downsample.
python launch.py --config ./configs/colmap.yaml trainer.datapipeline.dataset.data_path=your_data_path trainer.datapipeline.dataset.scale=0.5 trainer.output_path=your_log_path

# you can also use GaussianSplatting renderer or GSplat renderer
python launch.py --config ./configs/colmap.yaml trainer.datapipeline.dataset.data_path=your_data_path trainer.datapipeline.dataset.scale=0.5 trainer.output_path=your_log_path trainer.model.renderer.name=GaussianSplattingRender

python launch.py --config ./configs/colmap.yaml trainer.datapipeline.dataset.data_path=your_data_path trainer.datapipeline.dataset.scale=0.5 trainer.output_path=your_log_path trainer.controller.normalize_grad=True trainer.model.renderer.name=GsplatRender

The scale should be set as 0.25 for mipnerf 360 datasets.

For other colmap dataset which do not need to downsample:

python launch.py --config ./configs/colmap.yaml trainer.datapipeline.dataset.data_path=your_data_path trainer.datapipeline.dataset.scale=1.0 trainer.output_path=your_log_path

if you want test your model:

cd examples/gaussian_splatting
# For Tanks and Temples data which have high-res images and need to downsample.
python launch.py --config ./configs/colmap.yaml trainer.datapipeline.dataset.data_path=your_data_path trainer.datapipeline.dataset.scale=0.25 trainer.output_path=your_log_path trainer.training=False trainer.test_model_path=your_model_path

NeRF-Lego (NeRF-Synthetic format dataset)

Download the lego data:

wget http://cseweb.ucsd.edu/~viscomp/projects/LF/papers/ECCV20/nerf/nerf_example_data.zip

Run the following (with adjusted data path):

cd examples/gaussian_splatting
python launch.py --config ./configs/nerf.yaml trainer.datapipeline.dataset.data_path=your_data_path trainer.output_path=your_log_path

if you want to test the model:

python launch.py --config ./configs/nerf.yaml trainer.training=False trainer.datapipeline.dataset.data_path=your_data_path trainer.test_model_path=your_model_path

Advanced Approaches

Turning your hyperparameters

Pointrix support turning of hyperparameters based on sweep configuration in wandb, try this feature by running following command:

cd examples/gaussian_splatting_sweep
python launch_sweep.py --config configs/colmap.yaml --config_sweep configs/colmap_sweep.yaml trainer.datapipeline.dataset.data_path=your_data_path  trainer.output_path=your_log_path

2024-09-02 18-33-13屏幕截图

Camera optimization

To enable camera optimization, you should set trainer.model.camera_model.enable_training=True and trainer.optimizer.optimizer_1.camera_params.lr=1e-3: The renderer must be setted as MsplatRender.

python launch.py --config ./configs/colmap.yaml trainer.datapipeline.dataset.data_path=your_data_path trainer.datapipeline.dataset.scale=1.0 trainer.output_path=your_log_path trainer.model.renderer.name=MsplatRender trainer.model.camera_model.enable_training=True trainer.optimizer.optimizer_1.camera_params.lr=1e-3


Post-Processing Results Extraction (Metric, Mesh, Video)

Pointrix uses exporters to obtain desired post-processing results, such as mesh and video. The relevant configuration is as follows:

            type: MetricExporter
            type: TSDFFusion
                voxel_size: 0.02
                sdf_trunc: 0.08
                total_points: 8_000_000 
            type: VideoExporter

Users can specify multiple exporters to obtain various post-processing results. For example, with the above configuration, users can get Metric and Mesh extraction results as well as Video post-processing results. Mesh is obtained using the TSDF fusion method by default. The renderer must be set as MsplatRender or GsplatRender. You need to set trainer.model.renderer.render_depth as True to enable TSDFFusion.

cd pointrix/projects/gaussian_splatting
python launch.py --config ./configs/nerf.yaml trainer.training=False trainer.datapipeline.dataset.data_path=your_data_path trainer.test_model_path=your_model_path trainer.model.renderer.render_depth=True

Dust3r initialization (Beta)

  1. Switch to the Beta branch.

  2. Download Dust3r to examples/dust3r_init and follow the installation instructions.

  3. Move convert_dust3r.py to the examples/dust3r_init/dust3r folder.

  4. Navigate to examples/dust3r_init/dust3r, and then use Dust3r to extract point cloud priors and camera priors:

python convert_dust3r.py --model_path your_dust3r_weights --filelist your_image_path
  1. Run the program
python launch.py --config config.yaml trainer.datapipeline.dataset.data_path=your_data_path trainer.output_path=your_log_path

Release Plans

Welcome to discuss with us and submit PR on new ideas and methods.


Thanks to the developers and contributors of the following open-source repositories, whose invaluable work has greatly inspire our project:

This is project is licensed under Apache License. However, if you use MSplat or the original 3DGS kernel in your work, please follow their license.


<a href="https://github.com/pointrix-project/pointrix/graphs/contributors"> <img src="https://contrib.rocks/image?repo=pointrix-project/pointrix" /> </a>

Made with contrib.rocks.