

Awesome Chinese Programming Terms

A list of useful programming terms in chinese

-ary进制jìn zhì二进制 (binary), 十进制 (decimal), 十六进制 (hexadecimal)
-warejiàn中间件 (middleware), 硬件 (hardware), 软件 (software)
Access存取cún qǔ存取控制 (access control), 资料存取 (data access), 网络存取 (internet access)
Algorithm算法suàn fǎ算法复杂度 (algorithmic complexity)
Alias别名bié míng-
Array数组shù zǔ子数组 (subarray)
Atomic原子性yuán zǐ xìng-
Authentication认证rèn zhèng-
Authorization授权shòu quán-
Available可用kě yòng可用性 (availability)
Backtrack回溯huí sù-
Bit Shift移位yí wèi-
Branch分支fēn zhī远程分支 (remote branch), 检出分支 (checkout branch)
Browse浏览liú lǎn浏览器 (browser)
Buffer缓冲huǎn chōng缓冲区溢出 (buffer overflow)
Cache缓存huǎn cún多级缓存 (multi-level cache)
Certificate凭证píng zhèng-
Character字符zì fú字符串 (string)
Classlèi类方法 (class method)
Client客户kè hù客户服务器模式 (client-server model), 客户端 (client side), 客户端库 (client side library)
Cloudyún云计算 (cloud computing)
Cluster集群jí qún-
Code代码dài mǎ代码混淆 (code obfuscation), 代码覆盖率 (code coverage), 代码生成 (code generation), 源代码 (source code)
Combine组合数学 (combinatorics), 合并 (merge), 衍合 (rebase)
Command命令mìng lìng命令行界面 (command line interface)
Commit提交tí jiāo提交历史 (commit history)
Concurrency并发bìng fā并发编程 (concurrent programming)
Configure配置pèi zhì-
Connection连接lián jiē连接池 (connection pool)
Consistent一致yī zhì一致性 (consistency), 最终一致性 (eventual consistency)
Container容器róng qì-
Coordinate坐标zuò biāo-
Data数据shù jù数据结构 (data structure), 数据类型 (data type), 数据科学家 (data scientist), 数据模型 (data model), 数据映射 (data mapping), 脏数据 (dirty data), 数据分析 (data analytics), 大数据 (big data)
Database数据库shù jù kù数据库索引 (database index), 数据库视图 (database view), 关系数据库 (relational database), 数据库事务 (database transaction)
Debug调试tiáo shì-
Definition定义dìng yì-
Depend依赖yī lài依赖性 (dependence), 依赖注入 (dependency injection)
Deploy部署bù shǔ部署程序包 (deployment package), 蓝绿部署 (blue-green deployment), 金丝雀部署 (canary deployment)
Documentation文档wén dàng文档对象模型 (document object model)
Dynamic动态dòng tài动态规划 (dynamic programming)
Encapsulate封装fēng zhuāng封装性 (encapsulation)
Encryption加密jiā mì强加密 (strong encryption), 对称加密 (symmetric encryption), 非对称加密 (asymmetric encryption)
Endduān前端 (front end), 后端 (back end), 端口 (port), 端点 (endpoint)
Environment环境huán jìng测试环境 (test environment), 正式环境 (production environment)
Field字段zì duàn-
File文件wén jiàn文件夹 (file folder), 文件系统 (file system)
First In First Out (FIFO)先进先出xiān jìn xiān chū-
Framework框架kuàng jià-
Function函数hán shù迭代函数 (iterative function), 递归函数 (recursive function)
Geo地理dì lǐ地理编码 (geocode), 地理定位 (geolocation)
Graph二分图 (bipartite graph), 有向图 (directed graph), 有向无环图 (directed acyclic graph)
Guide指南zhǐ nán风格指南 (style guide), 配置指南 (configuration guide), 使用指南 (usage guide), 用户指南 (user guide)
Hash哈希hā xī哈希函数 (hash function), 哈希表 (hash table), 一致哈希 (consistent hashing), 哈希冲突 (hash collision)
Idempotent幂等mì děng幂等操作 (idempotent operation)
Implement实现shí xiàn-
Inherit继承jì chéng继承性 (inheritance)
Input输入shū rù-
Install安装ān zhuānɡ安装包 (installation package)
Instance实例shí lì实例方法 (instance method), 实例化 (instantiation)
Interface接口jiē kǒu-
Isolation隔离性gé lí xìng-
Iterate迭代dié dài-
Keyjiàn键盘 (keyboard), 机械键盘 (mechanical keyboard), 关键字 (keyword)
Last In First Out (LIFO)后进先出hòu jìn xiān chū-
Limit限制xiàn zhì时间限制 (time limit)
Linked List链表liàn biǎo-
Lint皮棉pí mián皮棉规则 (lint rules)
Loadzǎi / zài懒加载 (lazy loading), 主动加载 (active loading), 负载均衡 (load balancing), 上载 (upload), 下载 (download)
Locksuǒ分布式锁 (distributed lock), 互斥锁 (mutex lock)
Log日志rì zhì更新日志 (release log)
Logic逻辑luó jí业务逻辑 (business logic)
Login登录dēng lù-
Loop循环xún huán-
Maintain维护wéi hù-
Memory记忆体jì yì tǐ随机存取记忆体 (random access memory), 唯读记忆体 (read-only memory)
Method方法fāng fǎ暴力方法 (brute force method)
Monitor监控jiān kòng监控系统 (monitoring system)
Netwǎng互联网 (internet), 网络 (network), 网络分区 (network partition), 神经网络 (neural network)
Node结点jié diǎn叶结点 (leaf node), 左结点 (left node), 右结点 (right node)
Object对象duì xiàng面向对象程序设计 (object-oriented programming)
Online上线shàng xiàn-
Optimize优化yōu huà-
Option选项xuǎn xiàng-
Output输出shū chū输出文件 (output file)
Package/Packetbāo丢包 (packet loss)
Parameter参数cān shù-
Partition分区fēn qū容忍网络分区 (partition tolerance), 磁盘分区 (disk partition)
Password密码mì mǎ密码学 (cryptography)
Path路径lù jìng-
Permission权限quán xiàn权限管理 (permission management)
Persistence持久性chí jiǔ xìng-
Phishing钓鱼diào yú钓鱼邮件 (phishing email)
Plugin插件chā jiàn-
Pointer指针zhǐ zhēn-
Polymorphic多态duō tài多态性 (polymorphism)
Program (verb)编程biān chéng编程师 (programmer)
Project项目xiàng mù-
Protocol协议xié yì网络协议 (network protocol)
Queue队列duì liè消息队列 (message queue), 优先队列 (priority queue)
Range范围fàn wéi结果范围 (range of results)
Real-time实时shí shí实时通讯 (real-time communication)
Reflection反射fǎn shè-
Release发布fā bù-
Reliable可靠kě kào可靠性 (reliability)
Remote远程yuǎn chéng远程桌面 (remote desktop)
Request请求qǐng qiú请求头 (request header), 拉请求 (pull request), 读请求 (read request), 写请求 (write request), 状态化请求 (stateful request)
Resource资源zī yuán-
Return返回fǎn huí返回值 (return value)
Run运行yùn xíng-
Screen荧幕yíng mù-
Script脚本jiǎo běn脚本语言 (scripting language)
Search搜索sōu suǒ深度优先搜索 (depth-first search), 广度优先搜索 (breadth-first search)
Semantics语义yǔ yì-
Semaphore信号量xìn hào liàng计数信号量 (counting semaphore), 二进制信号量 (binary semaphore)
Sequence序列xù liè子序列 (subsequence)
Serve服务fú wù服务器 (server), 服务端 (server side), 服务发现 (service discovery)
Set (data structure)集合jí hé集合论 (set theory)
Shard分片fēn piàn-
Signhào正号 (plus sign "+"), 负号 (minus sign "-"), 正负号 (plus-minus sign "±"), 小于符号 (less than sign "<"), 大于符号 (greater than sign ">"), 括号 (brackets/parentheses)
Sort排序pái xù比较类排序 (comparison-based sort), 非比较类排序 (non-comparison-based sort), 冒泡排序 (bubble sort), 选择排序 (selection sort), 插入排序 (insertion sort), 希尔排序 (shell sort), 归并排序 (merge sort), 快速排序 (quick sort), 堆排序 (heap sort), 计数排序 (counting sort), 桶排序 (bucket sort), 基数排序 (radix sort), 拓扑排序 (topological sort)
Specification规范guī fàn-
Step同步 (synchronous), 异步 (asynchronous)
Stack (data structure)堆栈duī zhàn堆栈溢出 (stack overflow)
State状态zhuàng tài状态机 (state machine), 有限状态机 (finite-state machine)
Static静态jìng tài静态方法 (static method), 静态变量 (static variable)
Statistic统计tǒng jì-
Storage存储cún chú存储过程 (stored procedure), 存储桶 (storage bucket)
Streamliú构建流 (build stream), 事件流 (event stream)
System系统xì tǒng系统设计 (system design), 操作系统 (operating system)
Tag标签biāo qiān-
Test测试cè shì单元测试 (unit test), 集成测试 (integration test), 验收测试 (acceptance test), 回归测试 (regression test), 黑盒测试 (black box test), 白盒测试 (white box test)
Thread线程xiàn chéng多线程 (multithreading)
Treeshù二叉树 (binary tree), 二叉查找树 (binary search tree), 平衡二叉搜索树 (balanced binary tree), AVL树 (AVL tree), 红黑树 (red black tree), 字典树 (trie), B树 (b-tree)
Update更新gēng xīn-
Upgrade升级shēng jí-
User用户yòng hù用户名 (username), 用户帐户 (user account), 用户管理 (user management), 用户权限 (user permissions), 超级用户 (superuser), 用户验收测试 (user acceptance test), 每月活跃用户 (monthly active users)
Valuezhí默认值 (default value)
Variable变量biàn liàng可变变量 (mutable variable), 非可变变量 (immutable variable)
Version版本bǎn běn版本控制 (version control)
Video视频shì pín-
Virtual虚拟xū nǐ虚拟机 (virtual machine), 虚拟现实 (virtual reality)