

<p align="center"> <img alt="GoReleaser Logo" src="images/gopher.jpg" height="100"/> <h3 align="center">GitHub Link Card Creater</h3> <p align="center">GitHub Link Card Creator lets you generate GitHub images has links to repositories.</p> </p>

<img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/go-v1.13-blue.svg"/> CircleCI <a href="https://codeclimate.com/github/po3rin/github_link_creator/maintainability"><img src="https://api.codeclimate.com/v1/badges/174111b317186d299133/maintainability" /></a> GolangCI

:mag_right: Overview

GitHub Link Card Creator lets you generate GitHub images has links to your repositories. This card is useful to guide to your repository in blogs etc.

<a href="https://github.com/po3rin/github_link_creator"><img src="images/example_card.png" width="460px"/></a>

:pencil: Official WEB Client

here !!



using as CLI, you should install

$ go get "github.com/po3rin/github_link_creator/cmd/repoimg"

You can also install from here https://github.com/po3rin/github_link_creator/releases


CLI Mode

this lets you generate repository card in local.

repoimg -n po3rin/gotree

Server Mode

set environment valiable S3_BUCKET_NAME. this is target bucket to store image.

$ go build
$ ./github_link_creator
$ curl localhost:8080/v1/images/<username>/<reponame>

When raising the upper limit of API call of GitHub, You should set environment valiable GITHUB_CLIRNT_ID & GITHUB_SECRET.

GitHub REST API v3 Documents https://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting

WEB Client Repository

<a href="https://github.com/po3rin/github_link_creator_client"><img src="images/client.png" width="460px"/></a>


You're most welcomed! Welcome pull request and issues.