


A port of the grunt-sloc plugin for gulp with some minor changes.


First install the gulp-sloc2 plugin as a development dependency:

npm install --save-dev gulp-sloc2

Then, add it to your gulpfile.js:

var sloc = require('gulp-sloc2');

gulp.task('sloc', function(){

This would output the following:

[gulp] -------------------------------
[gulp]         physical lines : 135
[gulp]   lines of source code : 97
[gulp]          total comment : 5
[gulp]             singleline : 5
[gulp]              multiline : 0
[gulp]                  empty : 33
[gulp]   number of files read : 2
[gulp]            strict mode
[gulp] -------------------------------




Type: Boolean, Default: false

Set as false to analyze only files with a subset of popular extensions. true to analyze files with any file extension. The default is false.

If true, the SLOC will be executed on all of the files specified, regardless of file extension. With tolerant set to false, or unspecified, only supported file extensions will be analyzed.


Type: String, Default: stdout

It will generate a JSON file with the SLOC analysis results and sends it further downstream. Use with the reportFile option if you want to customize the file name. You may want to pipe to the gulp.dest() method to write it out to specified folder. Example:

var sloc = require('gulp-sloc2');

gulp.task('sloc', function(){
      reportType: 'json'

Would output the following in the file ./reports/sloc.json:



Type: String, Default: sloc.json

The name of the file which would contain you'd like to output the JSON file. Use with the json as reportType. Ignored if used with the stdout report type. Example:

var sloc = require('gulp-sloc2');

gulp.task('sloc', function(){
      reportType: 'json',
      reportFile: 'testSloc.json'

Would output the sloc results in the file ./reports/testSloc.json.


Type: Object, Default:

  before: '-------------------------------',
  after: '-------------------------------',
  mode: true

Options used to customize output message. Use with the stdout as reportType. Ignored if used with the json report type.


Type: Array[String], Default: ['total', 'source', 'comment', 'single', 'block', 'mixed', 'empty', 'file']

Metrics that are returned in report.

Supported Languages and Extensions



  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request