

<p align="center"> <a href="http://sphia.org"><img src="http://sophia.systems/sophia.png" /></a><br> </p> <br>

Sophia is advanced transactional MVCC key-value/row storage library.

How does it differ from other storages?

Sophia is RAM-Disk hybrid storage. It is designed to provide best possible on-disk performance without degradation in time. It has guaranteed O(1) worst case complexity for read, write and range scan operations.

It adopts to expected write rate, total capacity and cache size. Memory requirements for common HDD and Flash drives can be seen Here.

What is it good for?

For server environment, which requires lowest latency write and read, predictable behaviour, optimized storage schema and transaction guarantees. It can efficiently work with large volumes of ordered data, such as a time-series, analytics, events, logs, counters, metrics, full-text search, common key-value, etc.



Sophia Documentation and Bindings for the most common languages are available on the website.

Please use Official Sophia Google Group or StackOverflow to ask any general questions.<br> More information is available Here. <br><br>

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