

MLAD Challenge


Dataset Structure

Dataset Preparation

For the re-localization challenge, we provide 5 different traversals of the same sequence at different times. We provide a reference map, which contains high-accurate ground truth. We also do provide another traversal with ground truth to be used for training. One sequence can be used for validation and the two remaining sequences will be used as test sequences. The directory of the reference map has the following structure:

├── Calibration
│   ├── undistorted_calib_0.txt
│   ├── undistorted_calib_1.txt
│   └── undistorted_calib_stereo.txt
├── KeyFrameData
├── RelocalizationFilesTest
│   ├── relocalizationFile_recording_2020-03-24_17-45-31_easy.txt
│   ├── relocalizationFile_recording_2020-03-24_17-45-31_hard.txt
│   ├── relocalizationFile_recording_2020-03-24_17-45-31_moderate.txt
│   ├── relocalizationFile_recording_2020-04-23_19-37-00_easy.txt
│   ├── relocalizationFile_recording_2020-04-23_19-37-00_hard.txt
│   └── relocalizationFile_recording_2020-04-23_19-37-00_moderate.txt
├── RelocalizationFilesTrain
│   └── relocalizationFile_recording_2020-03-24_17-36-22.txt
├── RelocalizationFilesVal
│   └── relocalizationFile_recording_2020-03-03_12-03-23.txt
├── keyframe_accuracy.txt
├── poses.txt
├── times.txt
└── undistorted_images
    ├── cam0
    └── cam1


The KeyFrameData folder contains a .txt file for each keyframe. Each Keyframe file contains the following data: timestamp, camera intrinsics, camToWorld transformation, exposure time and point cloud data. Each point is saved with the following properties:

The 6DOF poses are specified as translation (t_x, t_y, t_z), and quaternion (q_x, q_y, q_z, q_w). The test re-localization files are provided as easy, moderate, and hard version, which differ mainly in a larger translational distance between the source and target frame.

The directories of the test sequences should have the following structure:

├── Calibration
│   ├── undistorted_calib_0.txt
│   ├── undistorted_calib_1.txt
│   └── undistorted_calib_stereo.txt
├── times.txt
└── undistorted_images
    ├── cam0
    └── cam1


Each re-localization file contains a list of first the keyframe from the source (reference) sequence, and the target keyframe. The task is to provide the relative pose between the source and the target. Note that the relative pose for the validation file is from cam0 of the source sequence to cam0 of the target sequence, respectively.


For the test sequences, the ground truth is withheld. For submitting your results to the challenge, please refer to the steps described at: https://sites.google.com/view/mlad-eccv2020/challenge.