

<h1>DuckHunter</h1> <h3>Prevent RubberDucky (or other keystroke injection) attacks</h3> <h3>Try Out the new setup GUI it helps you to setup the software and we have just released a new feature that allows you to run the script every time your computer starts automatically<h3>

Read this program's postmortem at my blog

<h3>Intro</h3> [Rubberduckies](https://hakshop.myshopify.com/products/usb-rubber-ducky-deluxe) are small usb devices that pretend to be usb keyboards and can type on their own at very high speeds. Because most -if not all- OS trust keyboards automatically, it is hard to protect oneself from these attacks.

DuckHunt is a small efficient script that acts as a daemon consistently monitoring your keyboard usage (right now, speed and selected window) that can catch and prevent a rubber ducky attack. (Technically it helps prevent any type of automated keystroke injection attack, so things like Mousejack injections are also covered.)


Protection Policy



Regular users:

Advanced Users

<h3>Requirements</h3> <h3>Advanced Setup</h3> <h3>TODO</h3> <h1>Happy Hunting!</h1>