

yarn add @react-three/p2

React hooks for p2-es. Use this in combination with react-three-fiber.







Check out all of our examples at https://p2.pmnd.rs (coming soon)

Meanwhile look at the examples living in ./examples

How it works

  1. Get all the imports that you need.
import { Physics, useBox, ... } from '@react-three/p2'
  1. Create a physics world. normalIndex defines the rotation of the physics world in space. Use 1 for top-down and 2 for side-scroller like apps.
<Physics normalIndex={2}>{/* Physics related objects in here please */}</Physics>
  1. Pick a shape that suits your objects contact surface, it could be a box, plane, circle, etc. Give it a mass, too.
const [ref, api] = useBox(() => ({ mass: 1 }))
  1. Take your object, it could be a mesh, line, gltf, anything, and tie it to the reference you have just received. Et voilĂ , it will now be affected by gravity and other objects inside the physics world.
<mesh ref={ref} geometry={...} material={...} />
  1. You can interact with it by using the api, which lets you apply positions, rotations, velocities, forces and impulses.
useFrame(({ clock }) => api.position.set(Math.sin(clock.getElapsedTime()) * 5, 0))
  1. You can use the body api to subscribe to properties to get updates on each frame.
const velocity = useRef([0, 0])
useEffect(() => {
  const unsubscribe = api.velocity.subscribe((v) => (velocity.current = v))
  return unsubscribe
}, [])

Simple example

Let's make a ball falling onto a box.

import { Canvas } from '@react-three/fiber'
import { Physics, useBox, useCircle } from '@react-three/p2'

function Box() {
  const [ref] = useBox(() => ({ mass: 0, position: [0, -2] }))
  return (
    <mesh ref={ref}>
      <boxGeometry />

function Ball() {
  const [ref] = useCircle(() => ({ mass: 1, position: [0, 2] }))
  return (
    <mesh ref={ref}>
      <sphereGeometry />

    <Physics normalIndex={2}>
      <Box />
      <Ball />


You can debug your scene using the p2-es-debugger. This will show you how p2 "sees" your scene. Don't forget to tell both the same normalIndex.

import { Physics, Debug } from '@react-three/cannon'

    <Physics normalIndex={2}>
      <Debug color="black" scale={1.1} linewidth={0.01} normalIndex={2}>
        {/* children */}



function Physics({
  allowSleep = false,
  axisIndex = 0,
  normalIndex = 0,
  broadphase = 'Naive',
  defaultContactMaterial = { contactEquationStiffness: 1e6 },
  gravity = [0, -9.81, 0],
  isPaused = false,
  iterations = 5,
  maxSubSteps = 10,
  quatNormalizeFast = false,
  quatNormalizeSkip = 0,
  shouldInvalidate = true,
  // Maximum amount of physics objects inside your scene
  // Lower this value to save memory, increase if 1000 isn't enough
  size = 1000,
  solver = 'GS',
  stepSize = 1 / 60,
  tolerance = 0.001,
}: React.PropsWithChildren<ProviderProps>): JSX.Element

function Debug({ color = 'black', scale = 1 }: DebugProps): JSX.Element

function usePlane(
  fn: GetByIndex<PlaneProps>,
  fwdRef?: React.Ref<THREE.Object3D>,
  deps?: React.DependencyList,
): Api

function useBox(
  fn: GetByIndex<BoxProps>,
  fwdRef?: React.Ref<THREE.Object3D>,
  deps?: React.DependencyList,
): Api

function useCircle(
  fn: GetByIndex<CylinderProps>,
  fwdRef?: React.Ref<THREE.Object3D>,
  deps?: React.DependencyList,
): Api

function useTopDownVehicle(
  fn: () => RaycastVehicleProps,
  fwdRef?: React.Ref<THREE.Object3D>,
  deps: React.DependencyList[] = [],
): [React.RefObject<THREE.Object3D>, RaycastVehiclePublicApi]

function useRaycastClosest(
  options: RayOptions,
  callback: (e: RayhitEvent) => void,
  deps: React.DependencyList = [],
): void

function useRaycastAny(
  options: RayOptions,
  callback: (e: RayhitEvent) => void,
  deps: React.DependencyList = [],
): void

function useRaycastAll(
  options: RayOptions,
  callback: (e: RayhitEvent) => void,
  deps: React.DependencyList = [],
): void

Returned api

type WorkerApi = {
  [K in AtomicName]: AtomicApi<K>
} & {
  [K in VectorName]: VectorApi
} & {
  applyForce: (force: Triplet, worldPoint: Triplet) => void
  applyImpulse: (impulse: Triplet, worldPoint: Triplet) => void
  applyLocalForce: (force: Triplet, localPoint: Triplet) => void
  applyLocalImpulse: (impulse: Triplet, localPoint: Triplet) => void
  applyTorque: (torque: Triplet) => void
  quaternion: QuaternionApi
  rotation: VectorApi
  sleep: () => void
  wakeUp: () => void

interface PublicApi extends WorkerApi {
  at: (index: number) => WorkerApi

type Api = [React.RefObject<THREE.Object3D>, PublicApi]

type AtomicName =
  | 'allowSleep'
  | 'angularDamping'
  | 'collisionGroup'
  | 'collisionMask'
  | 'collisionResponse'
  | 'fixedRotation'
  | 'isTrigger'
  | 'linearDamping'
  | 'mass'
  | 'material'
  | 'sleepSpeedLimit'
  | 'sleepTimeLimit'
  | 'userData'

type AtomicApi<K extends AtomicName> = {
  set: (value: AtomicProps[K]) => void
  subscribe: (callback: (value: AtomicProps[K]) => void) => () => void

type QuaternionApi = {
  set: (x: number, y: number, z: number, w: number) => void
  copy: ({ w, x, y, z }: Quaternion) => void
  subscribe: (callback: (value: Quad) => void) => () => void

type VectorName = 'angularFactor' | 'angularVelocity' | 'linearFactor' | 'position' | 'velocity'

type VectorApi = {
  set: (x: number, y: number, z: number) => void
  copy: ({ x, y, z }: Vector3 | Euler) => void
  subscribe: (callback: (value: Triplet) => void) => () => void

type ConstraintApi = [
    enable: () => void
    disable: () => void

type HingeConstraintApi = [
    enable: () => void
    disable: () => void
    enableMotor: () => void
    disableMotor: () => void
    setMotorSpeed: (value: number) => void
    setMotorMaxForce: (value: number) => void

type SpringApi = [
    setStiffness: (value: number) => void
    setRestLength: (value: number) => void
    setDamping: (value: number) => void

interface RaycastVehiclePublicApi {
  applyEngineForce: (value: number, wheelIndex: number) => void
  setBrake: (brake: number, wheelIndex: number) => void
  setSteeringValue: (value: number, wheelIndex: number) => void
  sliding: {
    subscribe: (callback: (sliding: boolean) => void) => void


type InitProps = {
  allowSleep?: boolean
  axisIndex?: number
  broadphase?: Broadphase
  defaultContactMaterial?: {
    friction?: number
    restitution?: number
    contactEquationStiffness?: number
    contactEquationRelaxation?: number
    frictionEquationStiffness?: number
    frictionEquationRelaxation?: number
  gravity?: Duplet
  iterations?: number
  normalIndex?: number
  quatNormalizeFast?: boolean
  quatNormalizeSkip?: number
  solver?: Solver
  tolerance?: number

export type ProviderProps = InitProps & {
  isPaused?: boolean
  maxSubSteps?: number
  shouldInvalidate?: boolean
  size?: number
  stepSize?: number

type AtomicProps = {
  allowSleep: boolean
  angularDamping: number
  collisionFilterGroup: number
  collisionFilterMask: number
  collisionResponse: number
  fixedRotation: boolean
  isTrigger: boolean
  linearDamping: number
  mass: number
  material: MaterialOptions
  sleepSpeedLimit: number
  sleepTimeLimit: number
  userData: {}

type Broadphase = 'Naive' | 'SAP'
type Triplet = [x: number, y: number, z: number]
type Quad = [x: number, y: number, z: number, w: number]

type VectorProps = Record<VectorName, Triplet>

type BodyProps<T extends any[] = unknown[]> = Partial<AtomicProps> &
  Partial<VectorProps> & {
    args?: T
    onCollide?: (e: CollideEvent) => void
    onCollideBegin?: (e: CollideBeginEvent) => void
    onCollideEnd?: (e: CollideEndEvent) => void
    quaternion?: Quad
    rotation?: Triplet
    type?: 'Dynamic' | 'Static' | 'Kinematic'

type Event = RayhitEvent | CollideEvent | CollideBeginEvent | CollideEndEvent
type CollideEvent = {
  op: string
  type: 'collide'
  body: THREE.Object3D
  target: THREE.Object3D
  contact: {
    // the world position of the point of contact
    contactPoint: number[]
    // the normal of the collision on the surface of
    // the colliding body
    contactNormal: number[]
    // velocity of impact along the contact normal
    impactVelocity: number
    // a unique ID for each contact event
    id: string
    // these are lower-level properties from cannon:
    // bi: one of the bodies involved in contact
    bi: THREE.Object3D
    // bj: the other body involved in contact
    bj: THREE.Object3D
    // ni: normal of contact relative to bi
    ni: number[]
    // ri: the point of contact relative to bi
    ri: number[]
    // rj: the point of contact relative to bj
    rj: number[]
  collisionFilters: {
    bodyFilterGroup: number
    bodyFilterMask: number
    targetFilterGroup: number
    targetFilterMask: number
type CollideBeginEvent = {
  op: 'event'
  type: 'collideBegin'
  target: Object3D
  body: Object3D
type CollideEndEvent = {
  op: 'event'
  type: 'collideEnd'
  target: Object3D
  body: Object3D
type RayhitEvent = {
  op: string
  type: 'rayhit'
  body: THREE.Object3D
  target: THREE.Object3D

type CylinderArgs = [radiusTop?: number, radiusBottom?: number, height?: number, numSegments?: number]
type SphereArgs = [radius: number]
type TrimeshArgs = [vertices: ArrayLike<number>, indices: ArrayLike<number>]
type HeightfieldArgs = [
  data: number[][],
  options: { elementSize?: number; maxValue?: number; minValue?: number },
type ConvexPolyhedronArgs<V extends VectorTypes = VectorTypes> = [
  vertices?: V[],
  faces?: number[][],
  normals?: V[],
  axes?: V[],
  boundingSphereRadius?: number,

interface PlaneProps extends BodyProps {}
interface BoxProps extends BodyProps<Triplet> {} // extents: [x, y, z]
interface CylinderProps extends BodyProps<CylinderArgs> {}
interface ParticleProps extends BodyProps {}
interface SphereProps extends BodyProps<SphereArgs> {}
interface TrimeshProps extends BodyPropsArgsRequired<TrimeshArgs> {}
interface HeightfieldProps extends BodyPropsArgsRequired<HeightfieldArgs> {}
interface ConvexPolyhedronProps extends BodyProps<ConvexPolyhedronArgs> {}
interface CompoundBodyProps extends BodyProps {
  shapes: BodyProps & { type: ShapeType }[]

interface ConstraintOptns {
  maxForce?: number
  collideConnected?: boolean
  wakeUpBodies?: boolean

interface PointToPointConstraintOpts extends ConstraintOptns {
  pivotA: Triplet
  pivotB: Triplet

interface ConeTwistConstraintOpts extends ConstraintOptns {
  pivotA?: Triplet
  axisA?: Triplet
  pivotB?: Triplet
  axisB?: Triplet
  angle?: number
  twistAngle?: number
interface DistanceConstraintOpts extends ConstraintOptns {
  distance?: number

interface HingeConstraintOpts extends ConstraintOptns {
  pivotA?: Triplet
  axisA?: Triplet
  pivotB?: Triplet
  axisB?: Triplet

interface LockConstraintOpts extends ConstraintOptns {}

interface SpringOptns {
  restLength?: number
  stiffness?: number
  damping?: number
  worldAnchorA?: Triplet
  worldAnchorB?: Triplet
  localAnchorA?: Triplet
  localAnchorB?: Triplet

interface WheelInfoOptions {
  radius?: number
  directionLocal?: Triplet
  suspensionStiffness?: number
  suspensionRestLength?: number
  maxSuspensionForce?: number
  maxSuspensionTravel?: number
  dampingRelaxation?: number
  dampingCompression?: number
  frictionSlip?: number
  rollInfluence?: number
  axleLocal?: Triplet
  chassisConnectionPointLocal?: Triplet
  isFrontWheel?: boolean
  useCustomSlidingRotationalSpeed?: boolean
  customSlidingRotationalSpeed?: number

interface RaycastVehicleProps {
  chassisBody: React.Ref<THREE.Object3D>
  wheels: React.Ref<THREE.Object3D>[]
  wheelInfos: WheelInfoOptions[]
  indexForwardAxis?: number
  indexRightAxis?: number
  indexUpAxis?: number


