

The Object Graph Mapping Library for Kotlin and Gremlin

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Gremlin is the graph traversal language for the Apache TinkerPop graph framework and is supported by most graph database implementations.

Basic Usage:

Define a Vertex

data class Person(

        val id: Long? = null,
        val name: String)

Define a Relationship

   val friends = ManyToManySymmetricEdgeSpec<Person>("friends")
   val subordinates = SingleToManyEdgeSpec<Person, Person>("boss_to_subordinates")
   val boss = subordinates.inverse

Save a Vertex

    val mighael = graphMapper.saveV(Person(name = "Michael Scott"))
    val dwight = graphMapper.saveV(Person(name = "Dwight Schrute"))

Save an Edge

    graphMapper.saveE(friends from michael to dwight)
    graphMapper.saveE(boss from michael to dwight)

Traverse an Edge

    graphMapper.traverse(friends from michael) // returns List<Person> [ dwight ]
    graphMapper.traverse(friends from dwight) // returns List<Person> [ michael ]
    graphMapper.traverse(subordinates from michael) // returns List<Person> [ dwight ]
    graphMapper.traverse(boss from dwight) // returns non-optional Person micheal

The graphMapper is an implementation of the GraphMapper interface which requires two properties:

  1. A GraphTraversalSource spawned from a tinkerpop graph
  2. A GraphDescription which is easily instantiated using CachedGraphDescription(vertices = setOf(Person::class))

Sample Starwars App

An interactive example can be run using the starwars example project. From the repo root directory, run:

./gradlew run

Then load GraphiQL at http://localhost:5000/graphiql.html to explore the data mapped with this library.

A small typescript + apollo + react web client that uses this starwars API can also be sampled:

cd example/frontend && yarn start 

Then load http://localhost:3000 (server must also be running)


Library Extensions

Mix and match the following extensions to this library


Why use a graph database and ogm?


Design Principles:

Native property types are stored directly in the graph as property values:

If your Gremlin implementation does not support one of these native types, make sure to register a property mapper for they type with your GraphDescription or declare a @Mapper for that property.

Built-in property mappers:

To use other property types, register your custom property mapper with GraphDescription by returning a PropertyMapper from the getScalarPropertyMapper function a @Mapper for that property.

How the mapping works:


    class Name(val first: String, val last: String)
    class Person(val name: Name)

...is serialized in the graph using vertex properties:

    "name.first" -> "Lionel"
    "name.last" -> "Messi"


    class Name(val first: String, val last: String)
    class Person(val names: Set<Name>)

...is serialized in the graph using vertex properties:

    "names.0.first" -> "Cassius"
    "names.0.last" -> "Clay"
    "names.1.first" -> "Muhammad"
    "names.1.last" -> "Ali"

To preserve the difference between a null and empty collection or map, we use a special UUID token. For example if the names Set was empty:

    "names" -> "474A56F1-6309-41B5-A632-AD53F57DBDAE"                

...or in the case of an empty map, the special UUID is: 9B94DCB9-D405-47C1-B56D-72F83C4E81D3.


Licensed under the Apache Software License 2.0. This code is in no way affiliated with, authorized, maintained, sponsored or endorsed by the Apache Software Foundation.