Elegant, responsive, flexible and lightweight notification plugin implemented for angular 2 of iziToast
npm install ng2-izitoast --save
in angular-cli.json
add the script and css lines
"styles": [
"scripts": [
in app.module.ts
import { Ng2IziToastModule } from 'ng2-izitoast';//<-- this line
import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
declarations: [
imports: [
Ng2IziToastModule//<-- this line
providers: [],
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }
now in app.component.ts
constructor(public iziToast: Ng2IzitoastService) {}
...{title: "Welcome"});
All options applicable to ng2-izitoast
Argument | Default Value | Description |
class | '' | The class that will be applied to the toast. It may be used as a reference. |
title | '' | Title of the toast. |
titleColor | '' | Title color. |
titleSize | '' | Title fontSize. |
titleLineHeight | '' | Title lineHeight. |
message | '' | Message of the toast. |
messageColor | '' | Message color. |
messageSize | '' | Message fontSize. |
messageLineHeight | '' | Message lineHeight. |
backgroundColor | '' | Background color of the Toast. |
theme | light | It can be light or dark or set another class. Create and use like this ".iziToast-theme-name" |
color | '' | It can be #hexadecimal, pre-defined themes like blue, red, green and yellow or set another class. Create and use like this ".iziToast-color-name". |
icon | '' | Icon class (font-icon of your choice, Icomoon, Fontawesome etc.). |
iconText | '' | Icon text (font-icon using text, Material Ithemecons, etc.). |
iconColor | '' | Icon color. |
image | '' | Cover image. |
imageWidth | 50 | Width of cover image |
maxWidth | null | set maxWidth of toast |
zindex | 99999 | The z-index CSS attribute of the toast. |
layout | 1 | It can be 1 or 2, or use another layout, creating the class like this: ".iziToast-layout3" |
balloon | false | Applies a balloon like toast. |
close | true | Show "x" close button. |
closeOnEscape | false | Allows to close toast using the Esc key. |
rtl | false | RTL option. |
position | 'bottomRight' | Where it will be shown. It can be bottomRight, bottomLeft, topRight, topLeft, topCenter, bottomCenter or center. |
target | '' | Fixed place where you want to show the toasts. |
targetFirst | true | Add toast to first position |
toastOnce | false | Waits for another toast to be closed on 'onClosed' function. You'll need an ID to use it. |
timeout | 5000 | Amount in milliseconds to close the toast or false to disable. |
drag | true | Drag Feature. Is used to close the toast. |
pauseOnHover | true | Pause the toast timeout while the cursor is on it. |
resetOnHover | false | Reset the toast timeout while the cursor is on it. |
progressbar | true | Enable timeout progress bar. |
progressbarColor | '' | Progress bar color. |
progressBarEasing | linear | Animation Easing of progress bar. |
overlay | false | Enables display the Overlay layer on the page. |
overlayClose | false | Allows to close toast clicking on the Overlay. |
overlayColor | rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6) | Overlay background color. |
animateInside | true | Enable animations of elements in the toast. |
transitionIn | 'fadeInUp' | Default toast open animation. It can be: bounceInLeft, bounceInRight, bounceInUp, bounceInDown, fadeIn, fadeInDown, fadeInUp, fadeInLeft, fadeInRight or flipInX. |
transitionOut | 'fadeOut' | Default toast close animation. It can be: fadeOut, fadeOutUp, fadeOutDown, fadeOutLeft, fadeOutRight, flipOutX |
transitionInMobile | 'fadeInUp' | Default toast opening mobile transition. |
transitionOutMobile | 'fadeOutDown' | Default toast closing mobile transition. |
onOpening | function() {} | Callback function triggered when opening the toast. |
onOpened | function() {} | Callback function triggered when onOpened the toast. |
onClosing | function() {} | Callback function triggered when closing the toast. |
onClosed | function() {} | Callback function triggered when closed the toast. |
constructor(public iziToast: Ng2IzitoastService) {}
title: "Welcome",
progressBarColor: "red",
onOpened: () => {
constructor(public iziToast: Ng2IzitoastService) {}
title: "Welcome",
class: "foo",
progressBarColor: "red",
onOpened: () => {
constructor(public iziToast: Ng2IzitoastService) {}
title: "Welcome",
class: "foo",
progressBarColor: "red",
onClosed: () => {