


betterknown development is supported by 🌎 placemark.io

I wrote wellknown, a WKT parser and stringifier, eons ago. It's still sort of popular but nobody maintained it after I left Mapbox.

There's wkx, which is stricter and honestly has a better parser, plus supports WKB, but it's also abandoned and has some drawbacks - no TypeScript, somewhat idiosyncratic code, and the bundle size is larger than it needs to be because it brings in browserify shims.

This project aims to be the combination of the two projects. Lightweight like wellknown, strict and correct like wkx, plus with the 2022 energy of supporting TypeScript from day one.

📕 Documentation


import { wktToGeoJSON, geoJSONToWkt } from "betterknown";
import proj4 from "proj4";

// Converting & reprojecting an EWKT string
wktToGeoJSON(`SRID=3857;POINT(-400004.3 60000.1)`, {
  proj: proj4,

// Converting GeoJSON to WKT
  type: 'Point',
  coordinates: [1, 2]