

TTALL Preset For Laravel 7 and Up

License: MIT CI Status Total Downloads

An opinionated Laravel front-end scaffolding preset for TTALL stack - Tailwindcss | Turbolinks | Alpine.js | Laravel | Livewire 🚀

It comes bundled with some helpful packages and their configurations (optional):

It uses concerns of laravel/ui through Livewire actions. So, security features of laravel/ui (ex: login throttling) are built right in. It also comes bundled with some helpful packages and their configurations (optional):

Screen Record

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To install this preset on your laravel application, run:

composer require pktharindu/ttall --dev

For Basic Presets (without authentication)

To scaffold the basic preset without authentication, run:

php artisan ui ttall

For Presets with Authentication

To scaffold the basic preset, auth route entry and auth views in one go, run:

php artisan ui ttall --auth

Finally run composer update && npm install && npm run dev to install the new composer packages and compile your fresh scaffolding.


Add a new i18n string in the resources/lang/XX/pagination.php file for each language that your app uses:

'previous' => '« Previous',
'next' => 'Next »',
'goto_page' => 'Goto page #:page', // Add this line

This will help with accessibility.

  <a href="URL?page=2" class="..." aria-label="Goto page #2">


As this preset is designed to get you up-and-running quickly, it comes bundled with some extra options that will take you even further. To utilize these options, use the --option flag when installing the preset.

Usage Example:

php artisan ui ttall --option=code-helpers

Code Helpers

code-helpers option will install and configure the below packages to help you with the development:


A composer's script is added automatically to tell Laravel IDE Helper to rescan your Facades files and update git hooks after every composer update :

"scripts": {
    "post-update-cmd": [
        "@php artisan ide-helper:generate",
        "cghooks update"

Also, Git Hooks are added to format your php files automatically before each commit.

"extra": {
    "hooks": {
        "pre-commit": [
            "STAGED_FILES=$(git diff --cached --name-only --diff-filter=ACM -- '*.php')",
            "php-cs-fixer fix",
            "git add $STAGED_FILES"

Scripts are also added to your package.json and composer.json to run specific actions :


If you require any support please contact me on Twitter or open an issue on this repository.


This Package is inspired by laravel-frontend-presets/tall and YannickYayo/laravel-preset-ttall. I wanted to have a combination of both. Thanks to all authors of these packages.


Licensed under the MIT license, see LICENSE for details.