

//  ____                    _   ____    _                      _
// / ___|    ___    _   _  | | / ___|  | |__     __ _    ___  | | __
// \___ \   / _ \  | | | | | | \___ \  | '_ \   / _` |  / __| | |/ /
//  ___) | | (_) | | |_| | | |  ___) | | | | | | (_| | | (__  |   <
// |____/   \___/   \__,_| |_| |____/  |_| |_|  \__,_|  \___| |_|\_\
//  .  .  .  because  real  people  are  overrated

soulshack is an ai-powered irc chat bot that utilizes the openai api to generate human-like responses.



go build .
docker build . -t soulshack:dev


soulshack --nick chatbot --server irc.freenode.net --port 6697 --channel '#soulshack' --ssl --openaikey ****************


soulshack can be configured using command line flags, environment variables, or personality configuration files. it uses viper to manage configuration settings.


  soulshack [flags]

soulshack --nick chatbot --server irc.freenode.net --port 6697 --channel '#soulshack' --ssl --openaikey ****************

  -a, --addressed             require bot be addressed by nick for response (default true)
  -A, --admins strings        comma-separated list of allowed users to administrate the bot (e.g., user1,user2,user3)
  -b, --become string         become the named personality (default "chatbot")
  -c, --channel string        irc channel to join
  -C, --chunkdelay duration   after this delay, bot will look to split the incoming buffer on sentence boundaries (default 7s)
  -m, --chunkmax int          maximum number of characters to send as a single message (default 350)
  -d, --directory string      personalities configuration directory (default "./personalities")
      --goodbye string        prompt to be used when the bot leaves the channel (default "goodbye.")
      --greeting string       prompt to be used when the bot joins the channel (default "hello.")
  -h, --help                  help for soulshack
  -H, --history int           maximum number of lines of context to keep per session (default 15)
  -l, --list                  list configured personalities
      --maxtokens int         maximum number of tokens to generate (default 512)
      --model string          model to be used for responses e.g., gpt-4 (default "gpt-4")
  -n, --nick string           bot's nickname on the irc server (default "soulshack")
      --openaikey string      openai api key
      --openaiurl string      alternative base url to use instead of openai
  -p, --port int              irc server port (default 6667)
      --prompt string         initial system prompt for the ai (default "respond in a short text:")
  -s, --server string         irc server address (default "localhost")
  -S, --session duration      duration for the chat session; message context will be cleared after this time (default 3m0s)
  -e, --ssl                   enable SSL for the IRC connection
  -t, --timeout duration      timeout for each completion request to openai (default 1m0s)
  -v, --verbose               enable verbose logging of sessions and configuration
      --version               version for soulshack

environment variables

all flags can also be set via environment variables with the prefix soulshack_. for example, soulshack_server for the --server flag.

personality configuration files

personality configuration files are stored in the personalities directory and use the yaml format. they can be loaded using the --become flag. a personality file can contain any of the settings that can be set via flags.

adding a personality

to add a new personality to soulshack, follow these steps:

  1. create a new yml file in the personalities directory with the desired name (e.g., marvin.yml).
  2. add your desired settings to the yml file. for example:
nick: marvin
greeting: "explain the size of your brain compared to common household objects."
goodbye: "goodbye."
prompt: "you are marvin the paranoid android. respond with a short text message: "
soulshack --server localhost --channel '#marvinshouse' --become marvin 


jacob, high five me

named as tribute to my old friend dayv, sp0t, who i think of often