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Join the chat at https://gitter.im/SnobotSim/Lobby SnobotSim is a java-based simulator that can simulate FRC Robots written in Java, with incubating support for C++ and Python.

Check out the Release Notes to keep up with all the updates and bug fixes going on throughout the season.



If you need any help with simulator, check the wiki. If that doesn't help, DM me on ChiefDelphi, pjreiniger

If something doesn't seem like its working, create an issue here and I will try to make a patch for you

If you find a bug you can fix, don't like how I did something, or want to add an improvment, create a Pull Request and help make the project better.


Check out the wiki for how to set up and use the simulator, or these examples for how you might want to set things up.