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Woolly ~ The Text Mining Elixir.

Woolly is a Text Mining & Natural Language Processing API for the Elixir programming language.

Getting started

Woolly is available in Hex, install it by adding it to your project mix.exs file as so:

def deps do
  [{:woolly, "~> 0.1.0"}]

If you're not using Hex, you can add it via this github repository:

def deps do
  [{:woolly, github: "pjhampton/Woolly"}]

...and don't forget to run mix deps.get from the terminal to fetch and compile your workspace dependencies.

Copyright & License

Copyright (c) 2016, PJ Hampton.

Woolly is released under the liberal <a href="http://pjhampton.mit-license.org/" target="_blank">MIT License</a>.