<p align="center"> <img src="uniscript.png" /><br> Brings C# scripting into Unity which acts as native code.<br> <a href="docs/">Documentation</a> <b>/</b> <a href="">Web Playground</a> </p>Overview
var src = @"
class PlayerMovement : MonoBehaviour {
public void MoveForward() {
transform.position += new Vector3(0, 0, 1);
var script = CScript.CreateRunner(src);
dynamic move = script
.Override("PlayerMovement", this)
Yet Another C# Scripting Engine
Other C# scripts use mcs
or roslyn
. They're all compiler based not an interpreter<br>
however UniScript uses a SlowSharp as a backend<br>
which enables....
- Sandboxing : Can prevent malicious call with Whitelist, Blacklist or your own rules.
- Fully compatible with iOS, WebAssembly and WSA : iOS is a huge market you can't abandon.
- Execution timeout to prevent infinite loops : More safety on user created mods!
Supports Unity's native messages
Unity messages will be fired automatically, same as Native C#.
class MoveForward : UniScriptBehaviour {
public void Update() {
transform.position += new Vector3(0, 0, 1);
public void OnEnable() { }
public void OnDisable() { }
One only difference is all callbacks should be declared as public.
True Hot Reloading
Allows you to replace methods after parsing. This also affects already instantiated objects.
var r = CScript.CreateRunner(@"
class Foo { public int GiveMeNumber() => 10; }
var foo = r.Instantiate("Foo");
// should be 10
class Foo { public int GiveMeNumber() => 20; }
// should be 20
Runtime Debugging
<img src="debug.png" />LICENSE
It doesn't have clear license at this moment, becuase this is very early stage of development and I'm not yet determined to sell this product or not.<br> So just keep below lines.
- Non-Commercial/Commercial use are allowed.
- Sourcecode redistribution with chainging its name is not allowed.
However, SlowSharp has its own license and you may publish code with some modifications.