


Magic fairy dust for Pixie.

Provides tooling around pixie, e.g. a nicer repl, running tests and fetching dependencies.


Project definition

dust reads its settings from a per-project project.edn file. In that file one configures the name, version, dependencies and other metadata about the project:

{:name dust
 :version "0.1.0-alpha"
 :description "Magic fairy dust for Pixie"
 :dependencies [[heyLu/hiccup.pxi "0.1.0-alpha"]]}

With such a project definition you can run dust get-deps to fetch the dependencies of the project and dust will set up the load-paths var in Pixie so that the namespaces are available in the repl or when running programs:

$ dust get-deps
Downloading heyLu/hiccup.pxi
$ dust repl
Pixie 0.1 - Interactive REPL
(linux, gcc)
:exit-repl or Ctrl-D to quit
user => (use 'hiccup.core)
user => (html [:span#foo.bar.baz "HOORAY!"])
"<span class="bar baz" id="foo">HOORAY!</span>"
user => @load-paths
["/home/lu/t/pixie/pixie" "." "deps/heyLu/hiccup.pxi/src"]


For an improved REPL with history and line-editing you'll need to install rlwrap.

Contributions welcome!

Some ideas:


Free use of this software is granted under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL). For details see the files LICENSE included with the source distribution. All copyrights are owned by their respective authors.