

AnimatedGIFs Decoder Library

Update November 2020

This sketch has been adapted into the GifDecoder library, which uses a more efficient GIF decoder. This sketch won't be maintained anymore, but you can find similar functionality in the examples in GifDecoder

This library decodes Animated GIF frames from a Filesystem, and draws them to a display. The Filesystem and Display specific functions have been abstracted out using callback functions contained in the sketch, so this library should be useful on many different platforms.

A SmartMatrix Library example is included, reading from a SD card. This works on both the Teensy and ESP32 platforms.

For ESP32/ESP8266 SPIFFS, try adapting the SmartMatrix example, using the FilenameFunctions code in this repository: https://github.com/prenticedavid/AnimatedGIFs_SD

For Adafruit's Arcada platform, see the examples in this repository: https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_Arcada_GifDecoder

For other platforms or other displays, start with the SmartMatrix example, and remove the SmartMatrix-specific code, and modify FilenameFunctions as needed.

The included example is meant to give you an idea of how to add GIF playback to your own sketch. For a project that adds GIF playback with other features, take a look at Light Appliance, Aurora, and the Adafruit Arcada examples.

If you find any GIFs that won't play properly, please attach them to a new Issue post in the GitHub repo here:

Many thanks to David Prentice and Adafruit for improvements on the original AnimatedGIFs sketch, and turning the sketch into a library, as well as the original author Craig A. Lindley.