

<div align="center"> <h1>Pixeleye - Visual testing platform</h1> <p>The batteries-included platform for visually testing and reviewing your UI; it's even self-hostable! Connect your codebase with our many integrations and dramatically increase your test coverage in minutes.</p> </p> <div align="center"> <a href="https://pixeleye.io/home">Homepage</a> . <a href="https://pixeleye.io/docs">Documentation</a> . <a href="https://pixeleye.io/playground">Playground</a> </div> </div> <br />

Pixeleye reviewer

Why Pixeleye

Pixeleye provides a seamless experience for visually testing and reviewing your UI. Unlike raw code, UI should be primarily reviewed visually. We built Pixeleye to allow developers, designers, and product managers to review UI changes effectively and efficiently; we'll also detect unintended visual side effects.


Why use Pixeleye Cloud? (hint: it's not just our fair pricing)

The best way to use Pixeleye is through our cloud offering. Plus, by using our service, you'll promote a sustainable open-source ecosystem and support us in developing and improving our open-source offerings.

Benefits of Pixeleye Cloud:

Want to get started? Head over to our website to begin.


The easiest way to self-host Pixeye is with Docker. Check out our guide to get started quickly.

Our Docker images follow a stable release pattern, whereas our Cloud follows a rolling release cycle. The latest features/bug fixes may not yet be present in our docker images. We follow this pattern to reduce the overhead of constantly requiring you to update your infra whilst ensuring we only ship stable products. We don't have dates for our releases, but they typically come after new features are stable or significant security issues arise.

Required services

Whilst Pixeleye at its core consists of 2 systems, frontend & backend, we require quite a few other systems to get everything working.

We also have our docker image to handle database migrations automatically.

You can find all the relevant files along with a docker-compose file here: self-hosted docker files. We don't take any responsibility for your data or infrastructure.


We welcome all contributions! Be it fixing a bug, helping with a feature, suggesting ideas or even writing about us in your blog.

For more info, please check out our contributing guide.

Disclosing security issues

If you think you've found a security vulnerability, please refrain from posting it publicly on the forums, the chat, or GitHub. You can find all the info for responsible disclosure in our SECURITY.md