

Upland Burn Project Jupyter Notebooks


This repository is part of the final set of deliverables produced by Pixalytics and EnviroSAR under their contract in response to the Department for Environment & Rural Affairs (DEFRA) Invitation To Tender (ITT) 76044 “Upland Burn Detection with Radar”.

For this project, three case study areas were of interest: Isle of Skye, Cairngorms and the Peak District National Park. From the following DropBox link, a subset of the data generated can be downloaded for testing the Jupyter Notebooks: https://www.dropbox.com/s/phje3itiat6yt33/my_shared_data_folder.tar.gz?dl=0

The folder structure that was setup in the original Jupyter Lab was:

<bold>Note:</bold> The coherence processing required several iterations to generate the best dataset for automated extraction. In comparison to version 1 that produced coherence based on matching slice numbers, version 2 ensures the area of interest is fully covered when moving from north to south (or vice versa) by analysing multiple combinations that account for any shift in slice position between consecutive orbits. However, a small limitation remains because Sentinel-1 files will only cover part of the area of interest in the east / west direction as the orbit path itself may "clip" the area of interest. Therefore a future step may be to combine multiple orbits, or filter these orbits out entirely. Currently, the latter can be achieved during the Jupyter Notebook analysis, or initial processing when the user can select the relative orbit to process.

Downloading Backscattering Datasets

In the pre-process folder there is a notebook (Download-Sentine1ARD-JNCC) to download Sentinel-1 backscattering data for an area / timeframe you wish. The data is downloaded from the JNCC ARD archived held on CEDA, and then subsetted and merged for the area of interest.

Processing Coherence Datasets

In the pre-process folder there is a notebook (Generate-Sentine1SLC) to process Sentinel-1 coherence data for an area / timeframe you wish.

<bold>Note:</bold> Once you have your final images, it is worth cleaning up the initial download folder and intermediate folder as the memory usage quickly adds up!

Running the Analysis of the Backscattering and Coherence Data

Coherence or Backscatter datasets can be investigated using the Combined_UBurn_WorkBook Jupyter notebook.

Running the Initial Automated Detection

<bold>Note:</bold> For running analysis - due to the large size of the area, running the analysis on too many files at once can cause the notebook to crash. Therefore, the number of files has been restricted to 20 but what your system can handle depends on the memory available.