


Tests PyPI

Passive hostname, domain and IP lookup tool for non-robots

WTF is it?

wtfis is a commandline tool that gathers information about a domain, FQDN or IP address using various OSINT services. Unlike other tools of its kind, it's built specifically for human consumption, providing results that are pretty (YMMV) and easy to read and understand.

This tool assumes that you are using free tier / community level accounts, and so makes as few API calls as possible to minimize hitting quotas and rate limits.

The project name is a play on "whois".

Data Sources

ServiceUsed in lookupRequiredFree Tier
IPWhoisIP addressNoYes (no signup)
ShodanIP addressNoNo
GreynoiseIP addressNoYes
URLhausAllNoYes (no signup)
AbuseIPDBIP addressNoYes


The primary source of information. Retrieves:

Passivetotal (RiskIQ)

Optionally used if creds are provided. Retrieves:

Passivetotal is recommended over Virustotal for whois data for a couple of reasons:


Optionally used if creds are provided and Passivetotal creds are not supplied. (i.e. second in line for Whois information)

As above, IP2Whois is recommended over Virustotal if a Passivetotal account cannot be obtained.


Default Geolocation and ASN lookup source for IP addresses. Retrieves:

IPWhois should not be confused with IP2Whois, which provides domain Whois data.


GETs data from the /shodan/host/{ip} endpoint (see doc). For each IP, retrieves:


Using Greynoise's community API, wtfis will show whether an IP is in one of Greynoise's datasets:

More information about the datasets here.

In addition, the API also returns Greynoise's classification of an IP (if available). Possible values are benign, malicious, and unknown.


URLhaus is a crowd-sourced database of reported malicious URLs. This enrichment provides insight on whether the queried hostname or IP is being or was used for malware distribution via HTTP or HTTPS. Data that is provided include:


AbuseIPDB is a crowd-sourced database of reported malicious IP addresses. Through its API wtfis shows:


$ pip install wtfis

To install via conda (from conda-forge), see wtfis-feedstock.

To install via brew:

brew install wtfis


wtfis uses these environment variables:

Set these using your own method.

Alternatively, create a file in your home directory ~/.env.wtfis with the above declarations. See .env.wtfis.example for a template. NOTE: Don't forget to chmod 400 the file!


usage: wtfis [-h] [-m N] [-s] [-g] [-a] [-u] [-n] [-1] [-V] entity

positional arguments:
  entity                Hostname, domain or IP

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -m N, --max-resolutions N
                        Maximum number of resolutions to show (default: 3)
  -s, --use-shodan      Use Shodan to enrich IPs
  -g, --use-greynoise   Enable Greynoise for IPs
  -a, --use-abuseipdb   Enable AbuseIPDB for IPs
  -u, --use-urlhaus     Enable URLhaus for IPs and domains
  -n, --no-color        Show output without colors
  -1, --one-column      Display results in one column
  -V, --version         Print version number



and you will get results organized by panel, similar to the image above.

Defanged input is accepted (e.g. api[.]google[.]com).

If supported by the terminal, the Analysis field and (if using PT) headings in the whois panel are clickable hyperlinks that point to the appropriate pages on the VT or PT website.


Shodan can be used to show an IP's open ports or services, and OS in some results. Invoke with the -s or --use-shodan flag.

If supported by the terminal, the Services field is a clickable hyperlink that takes you to the Shodan web interface.


To enable Greynoise, invoke with the -g or --use-greynoise flag. Because the API quota is quite low (50 requests per week as of March 2023), this lookup is off by default.

The GreyNoise field name is also a hyperlink (if terminal-supported) that points to the IP entry in the Greynoise web interface, where more context is shown.


Use the -u or --use-urlhaus flag to enable URLhaus enrichment for hostnames, domains and IPs.

The Malware URLs field name is a hyperlink (if terminal-supported) that takes you to the specific URLhaus database page for your query.


Use the -a or --use-abuseipdb flag to enable AbuseIPDB enrichment for hostnames, domains and IPs.

The AbuseIPDB field name is a hyperlink (if terminal-supported) that takes you to the specific AbuseIPDB database page for your query.

Display options

For FQDN and domain lookups, you can increase or decrease the maximum number of displayed IP resolutions with -m NUMBER or --max-resolutions=NUMBER. The upper limit is 10. If you don't need resolutions at all, set the number to 0.

To show all panels in one column, use the -1 or --one-column flag.

Panels can be displayed with no color with -n or --no-color.


Default arguments can be defined by setting the WTFIS_DEFAULTS environment variable. For example, to use shodan and display results in one column by default:


If an argument is in WTFIS_DEFAULTS, then specifying the same argument during command invocation negates that argument. So in the example above, if you then run:

$ wtfis example.com -s

then Shodan will NOT be used.

Note that maximum resolutions (-m N, --max-resolutions N) cannot be defined in defaults at the moment.


wtfis can be run from a Docker image. First, build the image (using the included Dockerfile) by running:

$ make docker-image

The image will have the latest tagged version (not necessarily from the latest commit) wtfis. This ensures that you are getting a stable release.

Two ways you can run the image:

Ensure .env.wtfis is in your home directory and set with the necessary envvars. Then simply run:

$ make docker-run

This is an alias to

$ docker run --env-file=${HOME}/.env.wtfis -it wtfis

Note that each definition must NOT have any spaces before and after the equal sign (FOO=bar, not FOO = bar).

Altenatively, you can set the environment variables yourself, then run, e.g.:

$ docker run -e VT_API_KEY -e SHODAN_API_KEY -it wtfis