

tweetbot.sh, a Twitter bot program written in simple Bash script

How works?

This bot watches events around the related your Twitter account, and will react to them.


You need to prepare API keys at first. Go to the front page, create a new app, and generate a new access token.

If you want to use DMs to control the running bot, you have to permit the app to access direct messages.

There are installer and uninstaller for systemd. Run sudo path/to/tweetbot.sh/systemd/install.sh or sudo path/to/tweetbot.sh/systemd/uninstall.sh.


$ ./watch.sh

You don't have to specify any option. This program automatically detects required data files from the base directory, it is same to the working (current) directory by default.

The base directory can be supplied via an environment variable TWEET_BASE_DIR, like:

$ env TWEET_BASE_DIR=/home/username/data /path/to/watch.sh

Contents of the base directory

This script detects data files and directories from the base directory (the current directory or the directory specified via an environment variable TWEET_BASE_DIR). The base directory should have them:

If you permit accessing to direct messages for the app, you'll prepare following files also:

And, after you start the watch.sh, following files and directories will be saved under the base directory automatically:



Put informations of a generated API key, with the format:



This file defines behaviors of the bot. The default configurations are:



SPAM_USER_PATTERN='follow *(back|me)'





MONOLOGUE_TIME_RANGE_GROUPS="morning/06:00-07:00 \
                     noon/12:00-13:00 \
                     afternoon/15:00-15:30 \
                     evening/17:30-18:30 \
                     night/19:00-21:00 \


This file must be encoded in UTF-8.

Observing of the timeline and search results

WATCH_KEYWORDS defines keywords to be watched with the format:

WATCH_KEYWORDS='Bash, ShellScript, Twitter'

It is a string of a comma-separated list. Keywords are treated like conditions with the OR logical operator. Any tweet matched to one of given terms will be detected and treated as "mention" (including "reply"), "quotation", "retweet", or "search result".

Auto follow

These parameters define the strategy to follow other users. By these configurations, this bot will follow the follower back or follow the author of detedted tweets (mentions, quotations, or RTs).


And, you can define blacklist filter to ignore spam accounts. The pattern is evaluated as an extended regular expression.

SPAM_USER_PATTERN='follow *(back|me)'

Auto favorite

These parameters define the strategy to favorite tweets by other users. By these configurations, this bot will favorite detected tweets (mentions, quotations, or search results).


Auto retweet

These parameters define the strategy to retweet tweets by other users. By these configurations, this bot will retweet detected tweets (mentions, quotations, or search results).


Auto response and quotation

These parameters define the strategy to reply for tweets by other users.


For mentions, this bot always respond to it as a reply. Otherwise, if the tweet is not a mention (including @username for your account), this bot will post an independent tweet including the URL of the detected tweet - in other words, retweet it with a comment. If you want to reply a mention not starting with @username, set RESPOND_TO_SIDE_MENTIONS to true.

By default, the bot doesn't respond to replied mentions with other people like @username1 @username2 @username3 message body to prevent unexpected spamming. If you want to reply to such mentions aggressively, set RESPOND_TO_MULTIPLE_TARGETS_REPLY to true.

Tendency of the chatterbot featrue

If someone mentions to the bot, it will replies to the mention always. However, the length of a conversation is undetermined and the bot continues to talk with any luck.


The parameter FREQUENCY_OF_CAPRICES defines how often become tired on the current topic, between 0 (never tired forever) and 100 (tired just with a response). If the parameter has a large value, the bot seems to be restless.


The parameter NEW_TOPIC defines how often start new topic after tired, between 0 (never start new topic) and 100 (always start new topic). If the parameter has a large value, the bot seems to have much curiosity.


The parameter CONVERSATION_PERSISTENCE defines how often continue the current topic without tired, between 0 (never continue to talk) and 100 (continue to talk forever). If the parameter has a large value, the bot seems to be inquisitive.

Monologue tweets

This bot can post monologue tweets with intervals without any cronjob. The timer counts up from 00:00 and the bot tries to post a monologue for every N minutes specified by the parameter MONOLOGUE_INTERVAL_MINUTES (minimum interval = 10 minutes).


However, the actual timing of the monologue tweet has a margin. The shorter one of "10 minutes" or "the 1/3 of the interval" is the margin, and this bot will post a monologue based on calculated probabilities. For example, if you specify the interval as 60, then the probabilities of the timing when the monologue will be actually posted is:

Monologue messages are loaded from definition files, and you can define some special time range with the MONOLOGUE_TIME_RANGE_GROUPS parameter.

MONOLOGUE_TIME_RANGE_GROUPS="morning/06:00-07:00 \
                     noon/12:00-13:00 \
                     afternoon/15:00-15:30 \
                     evening/17:30-18:30 \
                     night/19:00-21:00 \

It is space-separated list of time range definitions with the format: (name-of-the-range)/(beginning-1)-(end-1),(beginning-2)-(end-2),...,(beginning-N)-(end-N) You can define special monologue messages for each special time range.

Administrators of the bot

The parameter ADMINISTRATORS defines a comma-separated list of administrators who permitted to control the bot via DMs.

ADMINISTRATORS='your_account, your_project_partner'

For more details, see following sections.

Definition of response messages

Typical file placements

All files in the responses directory are response message definition files. They have same format described below.

Basic format of response message definition files

A definition file has two sections: keywords and messages. Lines starting with # define keywords. Others define messages. Typical contents of a definition file are here:


# hello
# hi|hey
# good afternoon
# yo


A keyword can be an extended regular expression. A definition file with no keyword definition line will be simply ignored.

When the bot detects a mention or reply from another user, it finds a definition file which has a keyword definition matches to the body of the tweet. Then, one of defined messages are posted as a reply for the mention.

This file must be encoded in UTF-8.

Block list

A definition file with no message definition line will become a "block list". For example:


# f(xx|uc)k
# shit
# suck

If the body of a mention matches one of keywords in blokc lists, then the bot never follow, favorite, retweet, and replies to the mention.

Detection order of multiple definition files

The bot scans all definition files with the order sorted by their filename. You must put block list files before other regular definition files. For example, 000-blocklist and 100-greeting.txt.

Special definition files

For a mention which is not matched to any keyword, this bot generates a random message from sources. These special definition files are used to generate those default responses:

What you must do when you modify response definition files

watch.sh scans all existing definition files on its startup, however, new keywords and definition files added after the watch.sh is started won't be loaded. If you modify keyword definitions while the bot is running, you have to regenerate responder.sh manually, by running the script generate_responder.sh as:

$ /path/to/tweetbot.sh/generate_responder.sh


$ env TWEET_BASE_DIR=/path/to/data/directory /path/to/tweetbot.sh/generate_responder.sh

Definition of monologue messages

Typical file placements

All files in the monologues directory are monologue message definition files. They have same format described below.

Basic format of monologue message definition files

A definition file contains messages. All lines define messages. Typical contents of a definition file are here:


# comment

Hi! I'm a chatterbot. Please talk with me!
Yeah! I'm a chatterbot. Please talk with me!
Did you know? I'm a chatterbot!

All comment lines starting with # are ignored.

If you want to post multiple tweets sequentially, write them in one line delimiting with \t (\u0009, hard tab).

This file must be encoded in UTF-8.

Directive to specify range of dates

You can specify activation dates for each definition file, like:

# date: 2016.01.01-2016.01.10

Happy new year!
Hi, happy new year!

Wildcard is also available. For example:

Detection order of multiple definition files

The bot will choose one of messages from all files which have same prefix like all. There is no order.

All definition files are used by the order:

  1. First, messages are found from the timely group. It will be used with the probability 20%.
  2. Next, messages are found from groups defined by MONOLOGUE_TIME_RANGE_GROUPS for the time range.
  3. Finally, messages are found from the all group.

What you must do when you modify monologue definition files

watch.sh scans all existing definition files on its startup, however, new messages and definition files added after the watch.sh is started won't be loaded. If you modify definitions while the bot is running, you have to regenerate monologue_selector.sh manually, by running the script generate_monologue_selector.sh as:

$ /path/to/tweetbot.sh/generate_monologue_selector.sh


$ env TWEET_BASE_DIR=/path/to/data/directory /path/to/tweetbot.sh/generate_monologue_selector.sh

Administration via DMs

If your screen name is listed in the ADMINISTRATORS, you can control the bot via DMs dynamically. You simply have to send DMs like following:

Built-in commands

echo: returns an echo of the given message.

Simply returns the given message (except the command name echo).

test: returns a response for the given message.

Treats the given message as a fake mention and returns actual response message.

+res: adds keyword and message definitions for responses.

This command registers new keyword, valiation of the keyword, and a response message. Both valiation and message are optional.

-res: removes keyword and message definitions for responses.

This command unregisters an existing keyword, valiation of the keyword, and a response message. Both valiation and message are optional.

+(name of a time range group): adds message definitions for monologue.

This command registers new monologue and alias of the time range group. Both alias and message are optional.

-(name of a time range group): removes message definitions for monologue.

This command unregisters an existing monologue and alias of the time range group. Both alias and message are optional.

tweet / post: posts the given message as a regular tweet of the bot.

reply: posts the given message as a reply by the bot.

del / delete / rem / remove: removes the specified tweet of the bot.

rt / retweet: retweets the given tweet by the bot.

follow: follows the user by the bot.

unfollow: unfollows the user by the bot.

search-result: treats the given tweet as a search result.

When you realized that there is a tweet which should be tracked as a search result but actually not processed, you'll want to add new response keywords and the existing tweet is processed as a new search result. This command just does it. Note that the feature possibly process the tweet multiple times.

run: executes user defined commands.

User defined DM commands

If there is any executable file named with the prefix on_command (like on_command.sh, on_command.rb, etc.), it is kicked by the DM command run with two arguments: the screen name of the sender, and the message body.

This is a sample script to implement run list command to return all file names in the responses directory:

#!/usr/bin/env bash



list_responses() {
  list="$(cd responses &&
            ls * |
            sort |
            sed 's/.txt$//' |
            paste -s -d ',')"
  echo "list: $list"
  "$tweet_sh" dm $sender "$list" > /dev/null

case "$command" in
  list* )

Callback script for DM commands to modify response message definitions

If there is any executable file named with the prefix on_response_modified (like on_response_modified.sh, on_response_modified.rb, etc.), it is kicked by DM commands +res and -res. For example, this is a sample script to do following:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

find responses -name "autoadd_*" | while read path
  mv "$path" "$(echo "$path" | sed 's/autoadd_/300_/')"

git add responses
git commit -m "Add new response"
git push

Callback script for DM commands to modify monologue message definitions

If there is any executable file named with the prefix on_monologue_modified (like on_monologue_modified.sh, on_monologue_modified.rb, etc.), it is kicked by DM commands +(tine range) and -(tine range). For example, this is a sample script to do following:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

git add scheduled
git commit -m "Add new monologue"
git push